 * Copyright 2014 gRPC authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package grpc

import (


var (
	// ErrClientConnClosing indicates that the operation is illegal because
	// the ClientConn is closing.
	ErrClientConnClosing = errors.New("grpc: the client connection is closing")
	// ErrClientConnTimeout indicates that the ClientConn cannot establish the
	// underlying connections within the specified timeout.
	// DEPRECATED: Please use context.DeadlineExceeded instead.
	ErrClientConnTimeout = errors.New("grpc: timed out when dialing")

	// errNoTransportSecurity indicates that there is no transport security
	// being set for ClientConn. Users should either set one or explicitly
	// call WithInsecure DialOption to disable security.
	errNoTransportSecurity = errors.New("grpc: no transport security set (use grpc.WithInsecure() explicitly or set credentials)")
	// errTransportCredentialsMissing indicates that users want to transmit security
	// information (e.g., oauth2 token) which requires secure connection on an insecure
	// connection.
	errTransportCredentialsMissing = errors.New("grpc: the credentials require transport level security (use grpc.WithTransportCredentials() to set)")
	// errCredentialsConflict indicates that grpc.WithTransportCredentials()
	// and grpc.WithInsecure() are both called for a connection.
	errCredentialsConflict = errors.New("grpc: transport credentials are set for an insecure connection (grpc.WithTransportCredentials() and grpc.WithInsecure() are both called)")
	// errNetworkIO indicates that the connection is down due to some network I/O error.
	errNetworkIO = errors.New("grpc: failed with network I/O error")
	// errConnDrain indicates that the connection starts to be drained and does not accept any new RPCs.
	errConnDrain = errors.New("grpc: the connection is drained")
	// errConnClosing indicates that the connection is closing.
	errConnClosing = errors.New("grpc: the connection is closing")
	// errConnUnavailable indicates that the connection is unavailable.
	errConnUnavailable = errors.New("grpc: the connection is unavailable")
	// errBalancerClosed indicates that the balancer is closed.
	errBalancerClosed = errors.New("grpc: balancer is closed")
	// minimum time to give a connection to complete
	minConnectTimeout = 20 * time.Second

// dialOptions configure a Dial call. dialOptions are set by the DialOption
// values passed to Dial.
type dialOptions struct {
	unaryInt    UnaryClientInterceptor
	streamInt   StreamClientInterceptor
	codec       Codec
	cp          Compressor
	dc          Decompressor
	bs          backoffStrategy
	balancer    Balancer
	block       bool
	insecure    bool
	timeout     time.Duration
	scChan      <-chan ServiceConfig
	copts       transport.ConnectOptions
	callOptions []CallOption

const (
	defaultClientMaxReceiveMessageSize = 1024 * 1024 * 4
	defaultClientMaxSendMessageSize    = 1024 * 1024 * 4

// DialOption configures how we set up the connection.
type DialOption func(*dialOptions)

// WithInitialWindowSize returns a DialOption which sets the value for initial window size on a stream.
// The lower bound for window size is 64K and any value smaller than that will be ignored.
func WithInitialWindowSize(s int32) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.copts.InitialWindowSize = s

// WithInitialConnWindowSize returns a DialOption which sets the value for initial window size on a connection.
// The lower bound for window size is 64K and any value smaller than that will be ignored.
func WithInitialConnWindowSize(s int32) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.copts.InitialConnWindowSize = s

// WithMaxMsgSize returns a DialOption which sets the maximum message size the client can receive. Deprecated: use WithDefaultCallOptions(MaxCallRecvMsgSize(s)) instead.
func WithMaxMsgSize(s int) DialOption {
	return WithDefaultCallOptions(MaxCallRecvMsgSize(s))

// WithDefaultCallOptions returns a DialOption which sets the default CallOptions for calls over the connection.
func WithDefaultCallOptions(cos ...CallOption) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.callOptions = append(o.callOptions, cos...)

// WithCodec returns a DialOption which sets a codec for message marshaling and unmarshaling.
func WithCodec(c Codec) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.codec = c

// WithCompressor returns a DialOption which sets a CompressorGenerator for generating message
// compressor.
func WithCompressor(cp Compressor) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.cp = cp

// WithDecompressor returns a DialOption which sets a DecompressorGenerator for generating
// message decompressor.
func WithDecompressor(dc Decompressor) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.dc = dc

// WithBalancer returns a DialOption which sets a load balancer.
func WithBalancer(b Balancer) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.balancer = b

// WithServiceConfig returns a DialOption which has a channel to read the service configuration.
func WithServiceConfig(c <-chan ServiceConfig) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.scChan = c

// WithBackoffMaxDelay configures the dialer to use the provided maximum delay
// when backing off after failed connection attempts.
func WithBackoffMaxDelay(md time.Duration) DialOption {
	return WithBackoffConfig(BackoffConfig{MaxDelay: md})

// WithBackoffConfig configures the dialer to use the provided backoff
// parameters after connection failures.
// Use WithBackoffMaxDelay until more parameters on BackoffConfig are opened up
// for use.
func WithBackoffConfig(b BackoffConfig) DialOption {
	// Set defaults to ensure that provided BackoffConfig is valid and
	// unexported fields get default values.
	return withBackoff(b)

// withBackoff sets the backoff strategy used for retries after a
// failed connection attempt.
// This can be exported if arbitrary backoff strategies are allowed by gRPC.
func withBackoff(bs backoffStrategy) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.bs = bs

// WithBlock returns a DialOption which makes caller of Dial blocks until the underlying
// connection is up. Without this, Dial returns immediately and connecting the server
// happens in background.
func WithBlock() DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.block = true

// WithInsecure returns a DialOption which disables transport security for this ClientConn.
// Note that transport security is required unless WithInsecure is set.
func WithInsecure() DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.insecure = true

// WithTransportCredentials returns a DialOption which configures a
// connection level security credentials (e.g., TLS/SSL).
func WithTransportCredentials(creds credentials.TransportCredentials) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.copts.TransportCredentials = creds

// WithPerRPCCredentials returns a DialOption which sets
// credentials and places auth state on each outbound RPC.
func WithPerRPCCredentials(creds credentials.PerRPCCredentials) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.copts.PerRPCCredentials = append(o.copts.PerRPCCredentials, creds)

// WithTimeout returns a DialOption that configures a timeout for dialing a ClientConn
// initially. This is valid if and only if WithBlock() is present.
// Deprecated: use DialContext and context.WithTimeout instead.
func WithTimeout(d time.Duration) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.timeout = d

// WithDialer returns a DialOption that specifies a function to use for dialing network addresses.
// If FailOnNonTempDialError() is set to true, and an error is returned by f, gRPC checks the error's
// Temporary() method to decide if it should try to reconnect to the network address.
func WithDialer(f func(string, time.Duration) (net.Conn, error)) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.copts.Dialer = func(ctx context.Context, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
			if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok {
				return f(addr, deadline.Sub(time.Now()))
			return f(addr, 0)

// WithStatsHandler returns a DialOption that specifies the stats handler
// for all the RPCs and underlying network connections in this ClientConn.
func WithStatsHandler(h stats.Handler) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.copts.StatsHandler = h

// FailOnNonTempDialError returns a DialOption that specifies if gRPC fails on non-temporary dial errors.
// If f is true, and dialer returns a non-temporary error, gRPC will fail the connection to the network
// address and won't try to reconnect.
// The default value of FailOnNonTempDialError is false.
func FailOnNonTempDialError(f bool) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.copts.FailOnNonTempDialError = f

// WithUserAgent returns a DialOption that specifies a user agent string for all the RPCs.
func WithUserAgent(s string) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.copts.UserAgent = s

// WithKeepaliveParams returns a DialOption that specifies keepalive paramaters for the client transport.
func WithKeepaliveParams(kp keepalive.ClientParameters) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.copts.KeepaliveParams = kp

// WithUnaryInterceptor returns a DialOption that specifies the interceptor for unary RPCs.
func WithUnaryInterceptor(f UnaryClientInterceptor) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.unaryInt = f

// WithStreamInterceptor returns a DialOption that specifies the interceptor for streaming RPCs.
func WithStreamInterceptor(f StreamClientInterceptor) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.streamInt = f

// WithAuthority returns a DialOption that specifies the value to be used as
// the :authority pseudo-header. This value only works with WithInsecure and
// has no effect if TransportCredentials are present.
func WithAuthority(a string) DialOption {
	return func(o *dialOptions) {
		o.copts.Authority = a

// Dial creates a client connection to the given target.
func Dial(target string, opts ...DialOption) (*ClientConn, error) {
	return DialContext(context.Background(), target, opts...)

// DialContext creates a client connection to the given target. ctx can be used to
// cancel or expire the pending connection. Once this function returns, the
// cancellation and expiration of ctx will be noop. Users should call ClientConn.Close
// to terminate all the pending operations after this function returns.
func DialContext(ctx context.Context, target string, opts ...DialOption) (conn *ClientConn, err error) {
	cc := &ClientConn{
		target: target,
		conns:  make(map[Address]*addrConn),
	cc.ctx, cc.cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())

	for _, opt := range opts {
	cc.mkp = cc.dopts.copts.KeepaliveParams

	if cc.dopts.copts.Dialer == nil {
		cc.dopts.copts.Dialer = newProxyDialer(
			func(ctx context.Context, addr string) (net.Conn, error) {
				return dialContext(ctx, "tcp", addr)

	if cc.dopts.copts.UserAgent != "" {
		cc.dopts.copts.UserAgent += " " + grpcUA
	} else {
		cc.dopts.copts.UserAgent = grpcUA

	if cc.dopts.timeout > 0 {
		var cancel context.CancelFunc
		ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, cc.dopts.timeout)
		defer cancel()

	defer func() {
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			conn, err = nil, ctx.Err()

		if err != nil {

	scSet := false
	if cc.dopts.scChan != nil {
		// Try to get an initial service config.
		select {
		case sc, ok := <-cc.dopts.scChan:
			if ok {
				cc.sc = sc
				scSet = true
	// Set defaults.
	if cc.dopts.codec == nil {
		cc.dopts.codec = protoCodec{}
	if cc.dopts.bs == nil {
		cc.dopts.bs = DefaultBackoffConfig
	creds := cc.dopts.copts.TransportCredentials
	if creds != nil && creds.Info().ServerName != "" {
		cc.authority = creds.Info().ServerName
	} else if cc.dopts.insecure && cc.dopts.copts.Authority != "" {
		cc.authority = cc.dopts.copts.Authority
	} else {
		cc.authority = target
	waitC := make(chan error, 1)
	go func() {
		defer close(waitC)
		if cc.dopts.balancer == nil && cc.sc.LB != nil {
			cc.dopts.balancer = cc.sc.LB
		if cc.dopts.balancer != nil {
			var credsClone credentials.TransportCredentials
			if creds != nil {
				credsClone = creds.Clone()
			config := BalancerConfig{
				DialCreds: credsClone,
				Dialer:    cc.dopts.copts.Dialer,
			if err := cc.dopts.balancer.Start(target, config); err != nil {
				waitC <- err
			ch := cc.dopts.balancer.Notify()
			if ch != nil {
				if cc.dopts.block {
					doneChan := make(chan struct{})
					go cc.lbWatcher(doneChan)
				} else {
					go cc.lbWatcher(nil)
		// No balancer, or no resolver within the balancer.  Connect directly.
		if err := cc.resetAddrConn(Address{Addr: target}, cc.dopts.block, nil); err != nil {
			waitC <- err
	select {
	case <-ctx.Done():
		return nil, ctx.Err()
	case err := <-waitC:
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	if cc.dopts.scChan != nil && !scSet {
		// Blocking wait for the initial service config.
		select {
		case sc, ok := <-cc.dopts.scChan:
			if ok {
				cc.sc = sc
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return nil, ctx.Err()
	if cc.dopts.scChan != nil {
		go cc.scWatcher()

	return cc, nil

// ConnectivityState indicates the state of a client connection.
type ConnectivityState int

const (
	// Idle indicates the ClientConn is idle.
	Idle ConnectivityState = iota
	// Connecting indicates the ClienConn is connecting.
	// Ready indicates the ClientConn is ready for work.
	// TransientFailure indicates the ClientConn has seen a failure but expects to recover.
	// Shutdown indicates the ClientConn has started shutting down.

func (s ConnectivityState) String() string {
	switch s {
	case Idle:
		return "IDLE"
	case Connecting:
		return "CONNECTING"
	case Ready:
		return "READY"
	case TransientFailure:
	case Shutdown:
		return "SHUTDOWN"
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown connectivity state: %d", s))

// ClientConn represents a client connection to an RPC server.
type ClientConn struct {
	ctx    context.Context
	cancel context.CancelFunc

	target    string
	authority string
	dopts     dialOptions

	mu    sync.RWMutex
	sc    ServiceConfig
	conns map[Address]*addrConn
	// Keepalive parameter can be updated if a GoAway is received.
	mkp keepalive.ClientParameters

// lbWatcher watches the Notify channel of the balancer in cc and manages
// connections accordingly.  If doneChan is not nil, it is closed after the
// first successfull connection is made.
func (cc *ClientConn) lbWatcher(doneChan chan struct{}) {
	for addrs := range cc.dopts.balancer.Notify() {
		var (
			add []Address   // Addresses need to setup connections.
			del []*addrConn // Connections need to tear down.
		for _, a := range addrs {
			if _, ok := cc.conns[a]; !ok {
				add = append(add, a)
		for k, c := range cc.conns {
			var keep bool
			for _, a := range addrs {
				if k == a {
					keep = true
			if !keep {
				del = append(del, c)
				delete(cc.conns, c.addr)
		for _, a := range add {
			if doneChan != nil {
				err := cc.resetAddrConn(a, true, nil)
				if err == nil {
					doneChan = nil
			} else {
				cc.resetAddrConn(a, false, nil)
		for _, c := range del {

func (cc *ClientConn) scWatcher() {
	for {
		select {
		case sc, ok := <-cc.dopts.scChan:
			if !ok {
			// TODO: load balance policy runtime change is ignored.
			// We may revist this decision in the future.
			cc.sc = sc
		case <-cc.ctx.Done():

// resetAddrConn creates an addrConn for addr and adds it to cc.conns.
// If there is an old addrConn for addr, it will be torn down, using tearDownErr as the reason.
// If tearDownErr is nil, errConnDrain will be used instead.
// We should never need to replace an addrConn with a new one. This function is only used
// as newAddrConn to create new addrConn.
// TODO rename this function and clean up the code.
func (cc *ClientConn) resetAddrConn(addr Address, block bool, tearDownErr error) error {
	ac := &addrConn{
		cc:    cc,
		addr:  addr,
		dopts: cc.dopts,
	ac.ctx, ac.cancel = context.WithCancel(cc.ctx)
	ac.stateCV = sync.NewCond(&ac.mu)
	if EnableTracing {
		ac.events = trace.NewEventLog("grpc.ClientConn", ac.addr.Addr)
	if !ac.dopts.insecure {
		if ac.dopts.copts.TransportCredentials == nil {
			return errNoTransportSecurity
	} else {
		if ac.dopts.copts.TransportCredentials != nil {
			return errCredentialsConflict
		for _, cd := range ac.dopts.copts.PerRPCCredentials {
			if cd.RequireTransportSecurity() {
				return errTransportCredentialsMissing
	// Track ac in cc. This needs to be done before any getTransport(...) is called.
	if cc.conns == nil {
		return ErrClientConnClosing
	stale := cc.conns[ac.addr]
	cc.conns[ac.addr] = ac
	if stale != nil {
		// There is an addrConn alive on ac.addr already. This could be due to
		// a buggy Balancer that reports duplicated Addresses.
		if tearDownErr == nil {
			// tearDownErr is nil if resetAddrConn is called by
			// 1) Dial
			// 2) lbWatcher
			// In both cases, the stale ac should drain, not close.
		} else {
	if block {
		if err := ac.resetTransport(false); err != nil {
			if err != errConnClosing {
				// Tear down ac and delete it from cc.conns.
				delete(cc.conns, ac.addr)
			if e, ok := err.(transport.ConnectionError); ok && !e.Temporary() {
				return e.Origin()
			return err
		// Start to monitor the error status of transport.
		go ac.transportMonitor()
	} else {
		// Start a goroutine connecting to the server asynchronously.
		go func() {
			if err := ac.resetTransport(false); err != nil {
				grpclog.Warningf("Failed to dial %s: %v; please retry.", ac.addr.Addr, err)
				if err != errConnClosing {
					// Keep this ac in cc.conns, to get the reason it's torn down.
	return nil

// GetMethodConfig gets the method config of the input method.
// If there's an exact match for input method (i.e. /service/method), we return
// the corresponding MethodConfig.
// If there isn't an exact match for the input method, we look for the default config
// under the service (i.e /service/). If there is a default MethodConfig for
// the serivce, we return it.
// Otherwise, we return an empty MethodConfig.
func (cc *ClientConn) GetMethodConfig(method string) MethodConfig {
	// TODO: Avoid the locking here.
	defer cc.mu.RUnlock()
	m, ok := cc.sc.Methods[method]
	if !ok {
		i := strings.LastIndex(method, "/")
		m, _ = cc.sc.Methods[method[:i+1]]
	return m

func (cc *ClientConn) getTransport(ctx context.Context, opts BalancerGetOptions) (transport.ClientTransport, func(), error) {
	var (
		ac  *addrConn
		ok  bool
		put func()
	if cc.dopts.balancer == nil {
		// If balancer is nil, there should be only one addrConn available.
		if cc.conns == nil {
			return nil, nil, toRPCErr(ErrClientConnClosing)
		for _, ac = range cc.conns {
			// Break after the first iteration to get the first addrConn.
			ok = true
	} else {
		var (
			addr Address
			err  error
		addr, put, err = cc.dopts.balancer.Get(ctx, opts)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, toRPCErr(err)
		if cc.conns == nil {
			return nil, nil, toRPCErr(ErrClientConnClosing)
		ac, ok = cc.conns[addr]
	if !ok {
		if put != nil {
			updateRPCInfoInContext(ctx, rpcInfo{bytesSent: false, bytesReceived: false})
		return nil, nil, errConnClosing
	t, err := ac.wait(ctx, cc.dopts.balancer != nil, !opts.BlockingWait)
	if err != nil {
		if put != nil {
			updateRPCInfoInContext(ctx, rpcInfo{bytesSent: false, bytesReceived: false})
		return nil, nil, err
	return t, put, nil

// Close tears down the ClientConn and all underlying connections.
func (cc *ClientConn) Close() error {

	if cc.conns == nil {
		return ErrClientConnClosing
	conns := cc.conns
	cc.conns = nil
	if cc.dopts.balancer != nil {
	for _, ac := range conns {
	return nil

// addrConn is a network connection to a given address.
type addrConn struct {
	ctx    context.Context
	cancel context.CancelFunc

	cc     *ClientConn
	addr   Address
	dopts  dialOptions
	events trace.EventLog

	mu      sync.Mutex
	state   ConnectivityState
	stateCV *sync.Cond
	down    func(error) // the handler called when a connection is down.
	// ready is closed and becomes nil when a new transport is up or failed
	// due to timeout.
	ready     chan struct{}
	transport transport.ClientTransport

	// The reason this addrConn is torn down.
	tearDownErr error

// adjustParams updates parameters used to create transports upon
// receiving a GoAway.
func (ac *addrConn) adjustParams(r transport.GoAwayReason) {
	switch r {
	case transport.TooManyPings:
		v := 2 * ac.dopts.copts.KeepaliveParams.Time
		if v > ac.cc.mkp.Time {
			ac.cc.mkp.Time = v

// printf records an event in ac's event log, unless ac has been closed.
// REQUIRES ac.mu is held.
func (ac *addrConn) printf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
	if ac.events != nil {
		ac.events.Printf(format, a...)

// errorf records an error in ac's event log, unless ac has been closed.
// REQUIRES ac.mu is held.
func (ac *addrConn) errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
	if ac.events != nil {
		ac.events.Errorf(format, a...)

// getState returns the connectivity state of the Conn
func (ac *addrConn) getState() ConnectivityState {
	defer ac.mu.Unlock()
	return ac.state

// waitForStateChange blocks until the state changes to something other than the sourceState.
func (ac *addrConn) waitForStateChange(ctx context.Context, sourceState ConnectivityState) (ConnectivityState, error) {
	defer ac.mu.Unlock()
	if sourceState != ac.state {
		return ac.state, nil
	done := make(chan struct{})
	var err error
	go func() {
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			err = ctx.Err()
		case <-done:
	defer close(done)
	for sourceState == ac.state {
		if err != nil {
			return ac.state, err
	return ac.state, nil

// resetTransport recreates a transport to the address for ac.
// For the old transport:
// - if drain is true, it will be gracefully closed.
// - otherwise, it will be closed.
func (ac *addrConn) resetTransport(drain bool) error {
	if ac.state == Shutdown {
		return errConnClosing
	if ac.down != nil {
		ac.down(downErrorf(false, true, "%v", errNetworkIO))
		ac.down = nil
	ac.state = Connecting
	t := ac.transport
	ac.transport = nil
	if t != nil {
		if drain {
		} else {
	ac.dopts.copts.KeepaliveParams = ac.cc.mkp
	for retries := 0; ; retries++ {
		if ac.state == Shutdown {
			// ac.tearDown(...) has been invoked.
			return errConnClosing
		sleepTime := ac.dopts.bs.backoff(retries)
		timeout := minConnectTimeout
		if timeout < sleepTime {
			timeout = sleepTime
		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ac.ctx, timeout)
		connectTime := time.Now()
		sinfo := transport.TargetInfo{
			Addr:     ac.addr.Addr,
			Metadata: ac.addr.Metadata,
		newTransport, err := transport.NewClientTransport(ctx, sinfo, ac.dopts.copts)
		// Don't call cancel in success path due to a race in Go 1.6:
		// https://github.com/golang/go/issues/15078.
		if err != nil {

			if e, ok := err.(transport.ConnectionError); ok && !e.Temporary() {
				return err
			grpclog.Warningf("grpc: addrConn.resetTransport failed to create client transport: %v; Reconnecting to %v", err, ac.addr)
			if ac.state == Shutdown {
				// ac.tearDown(...) has been invoked.
				return errConnClosing
			ac.errorf("transient failure: %v", err)
			ac.state = TransientFailure
			if ac.ready != nil {
				ac.ready = nil
			timer := time.NewTimer(sleepTime - time.Since(connectTime))
			select {
			case <-timer.C:
			case <-ac.ctx.Done():
				return ac.ctx.Err()
		if ac.state == Shutdown {
			// ac.tearDown(...) has been invoked.
			return errConnClosing
		ac.state = Ready
		ac.transport = newTransport
		if ac.ready != nil {
			ac.ready = nil
		if ac.cc.dopts.balancer != nil {
			ac.down = ac.cc.dopts.balancer.Up(ac.addr)
		return nil

// Run in a goroutine to track the error in transport and create the
// new transport if an error happens. It returns when the channel is closing.
func (ac *addrConn) transportMonitor() {
	for {
		t := ac.transport
		select {
		// This is needed to detect the teardown when
		// the addrConn is idle (i.e., no RPC in flight).
		case <-ac.ctx.Done():
			select {
			case <-t.Error():
		case <-t.GoAway():
			// If GoAway happens without any network I/O error, the underlying transport
			// will be gracefully closed, and a new transport will be created.
			// (The transport will be closed when all the pending RPCs finished or failed.)
			// If GoAway and some network I/O error happen concurrently, the underlying transport
			// will be closed, and a new transport will be created.
			var drain bool
			select {
			case <-t.Error():
				drain = true
			if err := ac.resetTransport(drain); err != nil {
				grpclog.Infof("get error from resetTransport %v, transportMonitor returning", err)
				if err != errConnClosing {
					// Keep this ac in cc.conns, to get the reason it's torn down.
		case <-t.Error():
			select {
			case <-ac.ctx.Done():
			case <-t.GoAway():
				if err := ac.resetTransport(false); err != nil {
					grpclog.Infof("get error from resetTransport %v, transportMonitor returning", err)
					if err != errConnClosing {
						// Keep this ac in cc.conns, to get the reason it's torn down.
			if ac.state == Shutdown {
				// ac has been shutdown.
			ac.state = TransientFailure
			if err := ac.resetTransport(false); err != nil {
				grpclog.Infof("get error from resetTransport %v, transportMonitor returning", err)
				ac.printf("transport exiting: %v", err)
				grpclog.Warningf("grpc: addrConn.transportMonitor exits due to: %v", err)
				if err != errConnClosing {
					// Keep this ac in cc.conns, to get the reason it's torn down.

// wait blocks until i) the new transport is up or ii) ctx is done or iii) ac is closed or
// iv) transport is in TransientFailure and there is a balancer/failfast is true.
func (ac *addrConn) wait(ctx context.Context, hasBalancer, failfast bool) (transport.ClientTransport, error) {
	for {
		switch {
		case ac.state == Shutdown:
			if failfast || !hasBalancer {
				// RPC is failfast or balancer is nil. This RPC should fail with ac.tearDownErr.
				err := ac.tearDownErr
				return nil, err
			return nil, errConnClosing
		case ac.state == Ready:
			ct := ac.transport
			return ct, nil
		case ac.state == TransientFailure:
			if failfast || hasBalancer {
				return nil, errConnUnavailable
		ready := ac.ready
		if ready == nil {
			ready = make(chan struct{})
			ac.ready = ready
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return nil, toRPCErr(ctx.Err())
		// Wait until the new transport is ready or failed.
		case <-ready:

// tearDown starts to tear down the addrConn.
// TODO(zhaoq): Make this synchronous to avoid unbounded memory consumption in
// some edge cases (e.g., the caller opens and closes many addrConn's in a
// tight loop.
// tearDown doesn't remove ac from ac.cc.conns.
func (ac *addrConn) tearDown(err error) {

	defer ac.mu.Unlock()
	if ac.down != nil {
		ac.down(downErrorf(false, false, "%v", err))
		ac.down = nil
	if err == errConnDrain && ac.transport != nil {
		// GracefulClose(...) may be executed multiple times when
		// i) receiving multiple GoAway frames from the server; or
		// ii) there are concurrent name resolver/Balancer triggered
		// address removal and GoAway.
	if ac.state == Shutdown {
	ac.state = Shutdown
	ac.tearDownErr = err
	if ac.events != nil {
		ac.events = nil
	if ac.ready != nil {
		ac.ready = nil
	if ac.transport != nil && err != errConnDrain {