package redis import ( "io" "strconv" "time" "" ) func readTimeout(timeout time.Duration) time.Duration { if timeout == 0 { return 0 } return timeout + time.Second } func usePrecise(dur time.Duration) bool { return dur < time.Second || dur%time.Second != 0 } func formatMs(dur time.Duration) string { if dur > 0 && dur < time.Millisecond { internal.Logf( "specified duration is %s, but minimal supported value is %s", dur, time.Millisecond, ) } return strconv.FormatInt(int64(dur/time.Millisecond), 10) } func formatSec(dur time.Duration) string { if dur > 0 && dur < time.Second { internal.Logf( "specified duration is %s, but minimal supported value is %s", dur, time.Second, ) } return strconv.FormatInt(int64(dur/time.Second), 10) } type Cmdable interface { Pipeline() *Pipeline Pipelined(fn func(*Pipeline) error) ([]Cmder, error) Echo(message interface{}) *StringCmd Ping() *StatusCmd Quit() *StatusCmd Del(keys ...string) *IntCmd Unlink(keys ...string) *IntCmd Dump(key string) *StringCmd Exists(key string) *BoolCmd Expire(key string, expiration time.Duration) *BoolCmd ExpireAt(key string, tm time.Time) *BoolCmd Keys(pattern string) *StringSliceCmd Migrate(host, port, key string, db int64, timeout time.Duration) *StatusCmd Move(key string, db int64) *BoolCmd ObjectRefCount(keys ...string) *IntCmd ObjectEncoding(keys ...string) *StringCmd ObjectIdleTime(key string) *DurationCmd Persist(key string) *BoolCmd PExpire(key string, expiration time.Duration) *BoolCmd PExpireAt(key string, tm time.Time) *BoolCmd PTTL(key string) *DurationCmd RandomKey() *StringCmd Rename(key, newkey string) *StatusCmd RenameNX(key, newkey string) *BoolCmd Restore(key string, ttl time.Duration, value string) *StatusCmd RestoreReplace(key string, ttl time.Duration, value string) *StatusCmd Sort(key string, sort Sort) *StringSliceCmd SortInterfaces(key string, sort Sort) *SliceCmd TTL(key string) *DurationCmd Type(key string) *StatusCmd Scan(cursor uint64, match string, count int64) *ScanCmd SScan(key string, cursor uint64, match string, count int64) *ScanCmd HScan(key string, cursor uint64, match string, count int64) *ScanCmd ZScan(key string, cursor uint64, match string, count int64) *ScanCmd Append(key, value string) *IntCmd BitCount(key string, bitCount *BitCount) *IntCmd BitOpAnd(destKey string, keys ...string) *IntCmd BitOpOr(destKey string, keys ...string) *IntCmd BitOpXor(destKey string, keys ...string) *IntCmd BitOpNot(destKey string, key string) *IntCmd BitPos(key string, bit int64, pos ...int64) *IntCmd Decr(key string) *IntCmd DecrBy(key string, decrement int64) *IntCmd Get(key string) *StringCmd GetBit(key string, offset int64) *IntCmd GetRange(key string, start, end int64) *StringCmd GetSet(key string, value interface{}) *StringCmd Incr(key string) *IntCmd IncrBy(key string, value int64) *IntCmd IncrByFloat(key string, value float64) *FloatCmd MGet(keys ...string) *SliceCmd MSet(pairs ...interface{}) *StatusCmd MSetNX(pairs ...interface{}) *BoolCmd Set(key string, value interface{}, expiration time.Duration) *StatusCmd SetBit(key string, offset int64, value int) *IntCmd SetNX(key string, value interface{}, expiration time.Duration) *BoolCmd SetXX(key string, value interface{}, expiration time.Duration) *BoolCmd SetRange(key string, offset int64, value string) *IntCmd StrLen(key string) *IntCmd HDel(key string, fields ...string) *IntCmd HExists(key, field string) *BoolCmd HGet(key, field string) *StringCmd HGetAll(key string) *StringStringMapCmd HIncrBy(key, field string, incr int64) *IntCmd HIncrByFloat(key, field string, incr float64) *FloatCmd HKeys(key string) *StringSliceCmd HLen(key string) *IntCmd HMGet(key string, fields ...string) *SliceCmd HMSet(key string, fields map[string]string) *StatusCmd HSet(key, field string, value interface{}) *BoolCmd HSetNX(key, field string, value interface{}) *BoolCmd HVals(key string) *StringSliceCmd BLPop(timeout time.Duration, keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd BRPop(timeout time.Duration, keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd BRPopLPush(source, destination string, timeout time.Duration) *StringCmd LIndex(key string, index int64) *StringCmd LInsert(key, op string, pivot, value interface{}) *IntCmd LInsertBefore(key string, pivot, value interface{}) *IntCmd LInsertAfter(key string, pivot, value interface{}) *IntCmd LLen(key string) *IntCmd LPop(key string) *StringCmd LPush(key string, values ...interface{}) *IntCmd LPushX(key string, value interface{}) *IntCmd LRange(key string, start, stop int64) *StringSliceCmd LRem(key string, count int64, value interface{}) *IntCmd LSet(key string, index int64, value interface{}) *StatusCmd LTrim(key string, start, stop int64) *StatusCmd RPop(key string) *StringCmd RPopLPush(source, destination string) *StringCmd RPush(key string, values ...interface{}) *IntCmd RPushX(key string, value interface{}) *IntCmd SAdd(key string, members ...interface{}) *IntCmd SCard(key string) *IntCmd SDiff(keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd SDiffStore(destination string, keys ...string) *IntCmd SInter(keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd SInterStore(destination string, keys ...string) *IntCmd SIsMember(key string, member interface{}) *BoolCmd SMembers(key string) *StringSliceCmd SMove(source, destination string, member interface{}) *BoolCmd SPop(key string) *StringCmd SPopN(key string, count int64) *StringSliceCmd SRandMember(key string) *StringCmd SRandMemberN(key string, count int64) *StringSliceCmd SRem(key string, members ...interface{}) *IntCmd SUnion(keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd SUnionStore(destination string, keys ...string) *IntCmd ZAdd(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd ZAddNX(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd ZAddXX(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd ZAddCh(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd ZAddNXCh(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd ZAddXXCh(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd ZIncr(key string, member Z) *FloatCmd ZIncrNX(key string, member Z) *FloatCmd ZIncrXX(key string, member Z) *FloatCmd ZCard(key string) *IntCmd ZCount(key, min, max string) *IntCmd ZIncrBy(key string, increment float64, member string) *FloatCmd ZInterStore(destination string, store ZStore, keys ...string) *IntCmd ZRange(key string, start, stop int64) *StringSliceCmd ZRangeWithScores(key string, start, stop int64) *ZSliceCmd ZRangeByScore(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *StringSliceCmd ZRangeByLex(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *StringSliceCmd ZRangeByScoreWithScores(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *ZSliceCmd ZRank(key, member string) *IntCmd ZRem(key string, members ...interface{}) *IntCmd ZRemRangeByRank(key string, start, stop int64) *IntCmd ZRemRangeByScore(key, min, max string) *IntCmd ZRemRangeByLex(key, min, max string) *IntCmd ZRevRange(key string, start, stop int64) *StringSliceCmd ZRevRangeWithScores(key string, start, stop int64) *ZSliceCmd ZRevRangeByScore(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *StringSliceCmd ZRevRangeByLex(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *StringSliceCmd ZRevRangeByScoreWithScores(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *ZSliceCmd ZRevRank(key, member string) *IntCmd ZScore(key, member string) *FloatCmd ZUnionStore(dest string, store ZStore, keys ...string) *IntCmd PFAdd(key string, els ...interface{}) *IntCmd PFCount(keys ...string) *IntCmd PFMerge(dest string, keys ...string) *StatusCmd BgRewriteAOF() *StatusCmd BgSave() *StatusCmd ClientKill(ipPort string) *StatusCmd ClientList() *StringCmd ClientPause(dur time.Duration) *BoolCmd ConfigGet(parameter string) *SliceCmd ConfigResetStat() *StatusCmd ConfigSet(parameter, value string) *StatusCmd DbSize() *IntCmd FlushAll() *StatusCmd FlushDb() *StatusCmd Info(section ...string) *StringCmd LastSave() *IntCmd Save() *StatusCmd Shutdown() *StatusCmd ShutdownSave() *StatusCmd ShutdownNoSave() *StatusCmd SlaveOf(host, port string) *StatusCmd Time() *TimeCmd Eval(script string, keys []string, args ...interface{}) *Cmd EvalSha(sha1 string, keys []string, args ...interface{}) *Cmd ScriptExists(scripts ...string) *BoolSliceCmd ScriptFlush() *StatusCmd ScriptKill() *StatusCmd ScriptLoad(script string) *StringCmd DebugObject(key string) *StringCmd PubSubChannels(pattern string) *StringSliceCmd PubSubNumSub(channels ...string) *StringIntMapCmd PubSubNumPat() *IntCmd ClusterSlots() *ClusterSlotsCmd ClusterNodes() *StringCmd ClusterMeet(host, port string) *StatusCmd ClusterForget(nodeID string) *StatusCmd ClusterReplicate(nodeID string) *StatusCmd ClusterResetSoft() *StatusCmd ClusterResetHard() *StatusCmd ClusterInfo() *StringCmd ClusterKeySlot(key string) *IntCmd ClusterCountFailureReports(nodeID string) *IntCmd ClusterCountKeysInSlot(slot int) *IntCmd ClusterDelSlots(slots *StatusCmd ClusterDelSlotsRange(min, max int) *StatusCmd ClusterSaveConfig() *StatusCmd ClusterSlaves(nodeID string) *StringSliceCmd ClusterFailover() *StatusCmd ClusterAddSlots(slots *StatusCmd ClusterAddSlotsRange(min, max int) *StatusCmd GeoAdd(key string, geoLocation ...*GeoLocation) *IntCmd GeoPos(key string, members ...string) *GeoPosCmd GeoRadius(key string, longitude, latitude float64, query *GeoRadiusQuery) *GeoLocationCmd GeoRadiusByMember(key, member string, query *GeoRadiusQuery) *GeoLocationCmd GeoDist(key string, member1, member2, unit string) *FloatCmd GeoHash(key string, members ...string) *StringSliceCmd Command() *CommandsInfoCmd } var _ Cmdable = (*Client)(nil) var _ Cmdable = (*Tx)(nil) var _ Cmdable = (*Ring)(nil) var _ Cmdable = (*ClusterClient)(nil) type cmdable struct { process func(cmd Cmder) error } type statefulCmdable struct { process func(cmd Cmder) error } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func (c *statefulCmdable) Auth(password string) *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("auth", password) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Echo(message interface{}) *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("echo", message) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Ping() *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("ping") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Quit() *StatusCmd { panic("not implemented") } func (c *statefulCmdable) Select(index int) *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("select", index) c.process(cmd) return cmd } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func (c *cmdable) Del(keys ...string) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys)) args[0] = "del" for i, key := range keys { args[1+i] = key } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Unlink(keys ...string) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys)) args[0] = "unlink" for i, key := range keys { args[1+i] = key } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Dump(key string) *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("dump", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Exists(key string) *BoolCmd { cmd := NewBoolCmd("exists", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Expire(key string, expiration time.Duration) *BoolCmd { cmd := NewBoolCmd("expire", key, formatSec(expiration)) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ExpireAt(key string, tm time.Time) *BoolCmd { cmd := NewBoolCmd("expireat", key, tm.Unix()) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Keys(pattern string) *StringSliceCmd { cmd := NewStringSliceCmd("keys", pattern) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Migrate(host, port, key string, db int64, timeout time.Duration) *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd( "migrate", host, port, key, db, formatMs(timeout), ) cmd.setReadTimeout(readTimeout(timeout)) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Move(key string, db int64) *BoolCmd { cmd := NewBoolCmd("move", key, db) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ObjectRefCount(keys ...string) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(keys)) args[0] = "object" args[1] = "refcount" for i, key := range keys { args[2+i] = key } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ObjectEncoding(keys ...string) *StringCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(keys)) args[0] = "object" args[1] = "encoding" for i, key := range keys { args[2+i] = key } cmd := NewStringCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ObjectIdleTime(key string) *DurationCmd { cmd := NewDurationCmd(time.Second, "object", "idletime", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Persist(key string) *BoolCmd { cmd := NewBoolCmd("persist", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) PExpire(key string, expiration time.Duration) *BoolCmd { cmd := NewBoolCmd("pexpire", key, formatMs(expiration)) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) PExpireAt(key string, tm time.Time) *BoolCmd { cmd := NewBoolCmd( "pexpireat", key, tm.UnixNano()/int64(time.Millisecond), ) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) PTTL(key string) *DurationCmd { cmd := NewDurationCmd(time.Millisecond, "pttl", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) RandomKey() *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("randomkey") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Rename(key, newkey string) *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("rename", key, newkey) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) RenameNX(key, newkey string) *BoolCmd { cmd := NewBoolCmd("renamenx", key, newkey) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Restore(key string, ttl time.Duration, value string) *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd( "restore", key, formatMs(ttl), value, ) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) RestoreReplace(key string, ttl time.Duration, value string) *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd( "restore", key, formatMs(ttl), value, "replace", ) c.process(cmd) return cmd } type Sort struct { By string Offset, Count float64 Get []string Order string IsAlpha bool Store string } func (sort *Sort) args(key string) []interface{} { args := []interface{}{"sort", key} if sort.By != "" { args = append(args, "by", sort.By) } if sort.Offset != 0 || sort.Count != 0 { args = append(args, "limit", sort.Offset, sort.Count) } for _, get := range sort.Get { args = append(args, "get", get) } if sort.Order != "" { args = append(args, sort.Order) } if sort.IsAlpha { args = append(args, "alpha") } if sort.Store != "" { args = append(args, "store", sort.Store) } return args } func (c *cmdable) Sort(key string, sort Sort) *StringSliceCmd { cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(sort.args(key)...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) SortInterfaces(key string, sort Sort) *SliceCmd { cmd := NewSliceCmd(sort.args(key)...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) TTL(key string) *DurationCmd { cmd := NewDurationCmd(time.Second, "ttl", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Type(key string) *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("type", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Scan(cursor uint64, match string, count int64) *ScanCmd { args := []interface{}{"scan", cursor} if match != "" { args = append(args, "match", match) } if count > 0 { args = append(args, "count", count) } cmd := NewScanCmd(c.process, args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) SScan(key string, cursor uint64, match string, count int64) *ScanCmd { args := []interface{}{"sscan", key, cursor} if match != "" { args = append(args, "match", match) } if count > 0 { args = append(args, "count", count) } cmd := NewScanCmd(c.process, args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) HScan(key string, cursor uint64, match string, count int64) *ScanCmd { args := []interface{}{"hscan", key, cursor} if match != "" { args = append(args, "match", match) } if count > 0 { args = append(args, "count", count) } cmd := NewScanCmd(c.process, args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ZScan(key string, cursor uint64, match string, count int64) *ScanCmd { args := []interface{}{"zscan", key, cursor} if match != "" { args = append(args, "match", match) } if count > 0 { args = append(args, "count", count) } cmd := NewScanCmd(c.process, args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func (c *cmdable) Append(key, value string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("append", key, value) c.process(cmd) return cmd } type BitCount struct { Start, End int64 } func (c *cmdable) BitCount(key string, bitCount *BitCount) *IntCmd { args := []interface{}{"bitcount", key} if bitCount != nil { args = append( args, bitCount.Start, bitCount.End, ) } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) bitOp(op, destKey string, keys ...string) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 3+len(keys)) args[0] = "bitop" args[1] = op args[2] = destKey for i, key := range keys { args[3+i] = key } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) BitOpAnd(destKey string, keys ...string) *IntCmd { return c.bitOp("and", destKey, keys...) } func (c *cmdable) BitOpOr(destKey string, keys ...string) *IntCmd { return c.bitOp("or", destKey, keys...) } func (c *cmdable) BitOpXor(destKey string, keys ...string) *IntCmd { return c.bitOp("xor", destKey, keys...) } func (c *cmdable) BitOpNot(destKey string, key string) *IntCmd { return c.bitOp("not", destKey, key) } func (c *cmdable) BitPos(key string, bit int64, pos ...int64) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 3+len(pos)) args[0] = "bitpos" args[1] = key args[2] = bit switch len(pos) { case 0: case 1: args[3] = pos[0] case 2: args[3] = pos[0] args[4] = pos[1] default: panic("too many arguments") } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Decr(key string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("decr", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) DecrBy(key string, decrement int64) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("decrby", key, decrement) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Get(key string) *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("get", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) GetBit(key string, offset int64) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("getbit", key, offset) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) GetRange(key string, start, end int64) *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("getrange", key, start, end) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) GetSet(key string, value interface{}) *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("getset", key, value) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Incr(key string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("incr", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) IncrBy(key string, value int64) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("incrby", key, value) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) IncrByFloat(key string, value float64) *FloatCmd { cmd := NewFloatCmd("incrbyfloat", key, value) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) MGet(keys ...string) *SliceCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys)) args[0] = "mget" for i, key := range keys { args[1+i] = key } cmd := NewSliceCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) MSet(pairs ...interface{}) *StatusCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(pairs)) args[0] = "mset" for i, pair := range pairs { args[1+i] = pair } cmd := NewStatusCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) MSetNX(pairs ...interface{}) *BoolCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(pairs)) args[0] = "msetnx" for i, pair := range pairs { args[1+i] = pair } cmd := NewBoolCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } // Redis `SET key value [expiration]` command. // // Zero expiration means the key has no expiration time. func (c *cmdable) Set(key string, value interface{}, expiration time.Duration) *StatusCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 3, 4) args[0] = "set" args[1] = key args[2] = value if expiration > 0 { if usePrecise(expiration) { args = append(args, "px", formatMs(expiration)) } else { args = append(args, "ex", formatSec(expiration)) } } cmd := NewStatusCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) SetBit(key string, offset int64, value int) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd( "setbit", key, offset, value, ) c.process(cmd) return cmd } // Redis `SET key value [expiration] NX` command. // // Zero expiration means the key has no expiration time. func (c *cmdable) SetNX(key string, value interface{}, expiration time.Duration) *BoolCmd { var cmd *BoolCmd if expiration == 0 { // Use old `SETNX` to support old Redis versions. cmd = NewBoolCmd("setnx", key, value) } else { if usePrecise(expiration) { cmd = NewBoolCmd("set", key, value, "px", formatMs(expiration), "nx") } else { cmd = NewBoolCmd("set", key, value, "ex", formatSec(expiration), "nx") } } c.process(cmd) return cmd } // Redis `SET key value [expiration] XX` command. // // Zero expiration means the key has no expiration time. func (c *cmdable) SetXX(key string, value interface{}, expiration time.Duration) *BoolCmd { var cmd *BoolCmd if expiration == 0 { cmd = NewBoolCmd("set", key, value, "xx") } else { if usePrecise(expiration) { cmd = NewBoolCmd("set", key, value, "px", formatMs(expiration), "xx") } else { cmd = NewBoolCmd("set", key, value, "ex", formatSec(expiration), "xx") } } c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) SetRange(key string, offset int64, value string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("setrange", key, offset, value) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) StrLen(key string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("strlen", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func (c *cmdable) HDel(key string, fields ...string) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(fields)) args[0] = "hdel" args[1] = key for i, field := range fields { args[2+i] = field } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) HExists(key, field string) *BoolCmd { cmd := NewBoolCmd("hexists", key, field) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) HGet(key, field string) *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("hget", key, field) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) HGetAll(key string) *StringStringMapCmd { cmd := NewStringStringMapCmd("hgetall", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) HIncrBy(key, field string, incr int64) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("hincrby", key, field, incr) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) HIncrByFloat(key, field string, incr float64) *FloatCmd { cmd := NewFloatCmd("hincrbyfloat", key, field, incr) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) HKeys(key string) *StringSliceCmd { cmd := NewStringSliceCmd("hkeys", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) HLen(key string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("hlen", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) HMGet(key string, fields ...string) *SliceCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(fields)) args[0] = "hmget" args[1] = key for i, field := range fields { args[2+i] = field } cmd := NewSliceCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) HMSet(key string, fields map[string]string) *StatusCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(fields)*2) args[0] = "hmset" args[1] = key i := 2 for k, v := range fields { args[i] = k args[i+1] = v i += 2 } cmd := NewStatusCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) HSet(key, field string, value interface{}) *BoolCmd { cmd := NewBoolCmd("hset", key, field, value) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) HSetNX(key, field string, value interface{}) *BoolCmd { cmd := NewBoolCmd("hsetnx", key, field, value) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) HVals(key string) *StringSliceCmd { cmd := NewStringSliceCmd("hvals", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func (c *cmdable) BLPop(timeout time.Duration, keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys)+1) args[0] = "blpop" for i, key := range keys { args[1+i] = key } args[len(args)-1] = formatSec(timeout) cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...) cmd.setReadTimeout(readTimeout(timeout)) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) BRPop(timeout time.Duration, keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys)+1) args[0] = "brpop" for i, key := range keys { args[1+i] = key } args[len(keys)+1] = formatSec(timeout) cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...) cmd.setReadTimeout(readTimeout(timeout)) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) BRPopLPush(source, destination string, timeout time.Duration) *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd( "brpoplpush", source, destination, formatSec(timeout), ) cmd.setReadTimeout(readTimeout(timeout)) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) LIndex(key string, index int64) *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("lindex", key, index) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) LInsert(key, op string, pivot, value interface{}) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("linsert", key, op, pivot, value) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) LInsertBefore(key string, pivot, value interface{}) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("linsert", key, "before", pivot, value) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) LInsertAfter(key string, pivot, value interface{}) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("linsert", key, "after", pivot, value) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) LLen(key string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("llen", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) LPop(key string) *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("lpop", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) LPush(key string, values ...interface{}) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(values)) args[0] = "lpush" args[1] = key for i, value := range values { args[2+i] = value } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) LPushX(key string, value interface{}) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("lpushx", key, value) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) LRange(key string, start, stop int64) *StringSliceCmd { cmd := NewStringSliceCmd( "lrange", key, start, stop, ) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) LRem(key string, count int64, value interface{}) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("lrem", key, count, value) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) LSet(key string, index int64, value interface{}) *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("lset", key, index, value) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) LTrim(key string, start, stop int64) *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd( "ltrim", key, start, stop, ) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) RPop(key string) *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("rpop", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) RPopLPush(source, destination string) *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("rpoplpush", source, destination) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) RPush(key string, values ...interface{}) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(values)) args[0] = "rpush" args[1] = key for i, value := range values { args[2+i] = value } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) RPushX(key string, value interface{}) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("rpushx", key, value) c.process(cmd) return cmd } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func (c *cmdable) SAdd(key string, members ...interface{}) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(members)) args[0] = "sadd" args[1] = key for i, member := range members { args[2+i] = member } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) SCard(key string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("scard", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) SDiff(keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys)) args[0] = "sdiff" for i, key := range keys { args[1+i] = key } cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) SDiffStore(destination string, keys ...string) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(keys)) args[0] = "sdiffstore" args[1] = destination for i, key := range keys { args[2+i] = key } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) SInter(keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys)) args[0] = "sinter" for i, key := range keys { args[1+i] = key } cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) SInterStore(destination string, keys ...string) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(keys)) args[0] = "sinterstore" args[1] = destination for i, key := range keys { args[2+i] = key } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) SIsMember(key string, member interface{}) *BoolCmd { cmd := NewBoolCmd("sismember", key, member) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) SMembers(key string) *StringSliceCmd { cmd := NewStringSliceCmd("smembers", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) SMove(source, destination string, member interface{}) *BoolCmd { cmd := NewBoolCmd("smove", source, destination, member) c.process(cmd) return cmd } // Redis `SPOP key` command. func (c *cmdable) SPop(key string) *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("spop", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } // Redis `SPOP key count` command. func (c *cmdable) SPopN(key string, count int64) *StringSliceCmd { cmd := NewStringSliceCmd("spop", key, count) c.process(cmd) return cmd } // Redis `SRANDMEMBER key` command. func (c *cmdable) SRandMember(key string) *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("srandmember", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } // Redis `SRANDMEMBER key count` command. func (c *cmdable) SRandMemberN(key string, count int64) *StringSliceCmd { cmd := NewStringSliceCmd("srandmember", key, count) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) SRem(key string, members ...interface{}) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(members)) args[0] = "srem" args[1] = key for i, member := range members { args[2+i] = member } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) SUnion(keys ...string) *StringSliceCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys)) args[0] = "sunion" for i, key := range keys { args[1+i] = key } cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) SUnionStore(destination string, keys ...string) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(keys)) args[0] = "sunionstore" args[1] = destination for i, key := range keys { args[2+i] = key } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Z represents sorted set member. type Z struct { Score float64 Member interface{} } // ZStore is used as an arg to ZInterStore and ZUnionStore. type ZStore struct { Weights []float64 // Can be SUM, MIN or MAX. Aggregate string } func (c *cmdable) zAdd(a []interface{}, n int, members ...Z) *IntCmd { for i, m := range members { a[n+2*i] = m.Score a[n+2*i+1] = m.Member } cmd := NewIntCmd(a...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } // Redis `ZADD key score member [score member ...]` command. func (c *cmdable) ZAdd(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd { const n = 2 a := make([]interface{}, n+2*len(members)) a[0], a[1] = "zadd", key return c.zAdd(a, n, members...) } // Redis `ZADD key NX score member [score member ...]` command. func (c *cmdable) ZAddNX(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd { const n = 3 a := make([]interface{}, n+2*len(members)) a[0], a[1], a[2] = "zadd", key, "nx" return c.zAdd(a, n, members...) } // Redis `ZADD key XX score member [score member ...]` command. func (c *cmdable) ZAddXX(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd { const n = 3 a := make([]interface{}, n+2*len(members)) a[0], a[1], a[2] = "zadd", key, "xx" return c.zAdd(a, n, members...) } // Redis `ZADD key CH score member [score member ...]` command. func (c *cmdable) ZAddCh(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd { const n = 3 a := make([]interface{}, n+2*len(members)) a[0], a[1], a[2] = "zadd", key, "ch" return c.zAdd(a, n, members...) } // Redis `ZADD key NX CH score member [score member ...]` command. func (c *cmdable) ZAddNXCh(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd { const n = 4 a := make([]interface{}, n+2*len(members)) a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3] = "zadd", key, "nx", "ch" return c.zAdd(a, n, members...) } // Redis `ZADD key XX CH score member [score member ...]` command. func (c *cmdable) ZAddXXCh(key string, members ...Z) *IntCmd { const n = 4 a := make([]interface{}, n+2*len(members)) a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3] = "zadd", key, "xx", "ch" return c.zAdd(a, n, members...) } func (c *cmdable) zIncr(a []interface{}, n int, members ...Z) *FloatCmd { for i, m := range members { a[n+2*i] = m.Score a[n+2*i+1] = m.Member } cmd := NewFloatCmd(a...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } // Redis `ZADD key INCR score member` command. func (c *cmdable) ZIncr(key string, member Z) *FloatCmd { const n = 3 a := make([]interface{}, n+2) a[0], a[1], a[2] = "zadd", key, "incr" return c.zIncr(a, n, member) } // Redis `ZADD key NX INCR score member` command. func (c *cmdable) ZIncrNX(key string, member Z) *FloatCmd { const n = 4 a := make([]interface{}, n+2) a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3] = "zadd", key, "incr", "nx" return c.zIncr(a, n, member) } // Redis `ZADD key XX INCR score member` command. func (c *cmdable) ZIncrXX(key string, member Z) *FloatCmd { const n = 4 a := make([]interface{}, n+2) a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3] = "zadd", key, "incr", "xx" return c.zIncr(a, n, member) } func (c *cmdable) ZCard(key string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("zcard", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ZCount(key, min, max string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("zcount", key, min, max) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ZIncrBy(key string, increment float64, member string) *FloatCmd { cmd := NewFloatCmd("zincrby", key, increment, member) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ZInterStore(destination string, store ZStore, keys ...string) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 3+len(keys)) args[0] = "zinterstore" args[1] = destination args[2] = strconv.Itoa(len(keys)) for i, key := range keys { args[3+i] = key } if len(store.Weights) > 0 { args = append(args, "weights") for _, weight := range store.Weights { args = append(args, weight) } } if store.Aggregate != "" { args = append(args, "aggregate", store.Aggregate) } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) zRange(key string, start, stop int64, withScores bool) *StringSliceCmd { args := []interface{}{ "zrange", key, start, stop, } if withScores { args = append(args, "withscores") } cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ZRange(key string, start, stop int64) *StringSliceCmd { return c.zRange(key, start, stop, false) } func (c *cmdable) ZRangeWithScores(key string, start, stop int64) *ZSliceCmd { cmd := NewZSliceCmd("zrange", key, start, stop, "withscores") c.process(cmd) return cmd } type ZRangeBy struct { Min, Max string Offset, Count int64 } func (c *cmdable) zRangeBy(zcmd, key string, opt ZRangeBy, withScores bool) *StringSliceCmd { args := []interface{}{zcmd, key, opt.Min, opt.Max} if withScores { args = append(args, "withscores") } if opt.Offset != 0 || opt.Count != 0 { args = append( args, "limit", opt.Offset, opt.Count, ) } cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ZRangeByScore(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *StringSliceCmd { return c.zRangeBy("zrangebyscore", key, opt, false) } func (c *cmdable) ZRangeByLex(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *StringSliceCmd { return c.zRangeBy("zrangebylex", key, opt, false) } func (c *cmdable) ZRangeByScoreWithScores(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *ZSliceCmd { args := []interface{}{"zrangebyscore", key, opt.Min, opt.Max, "withscores"} if opt.Offset != 0 || opt.Count != 0 { args = append( args, "limit", opt.Offset, opt.Count, ) } cmd := NewZSliceCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ZRank(key, member string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("zrank", key, member) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ZRem(key string, members ...interface{}) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(members)) args[0] = "zrem" args[1] = key for i, member := range members { args[2+i] = member } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ZRemRangeByRank(key string, start, stop int64) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd( "zremrangebyrank", key, start, stop, ) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ZRemRangeByScore(key, min, max string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("zremrangebyscore", key, min, max) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ZRemRangeByLex(key, min, max string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("zremrangebylex", key, min, max) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ZRevRange(key string, start, stop int64) *StringSliceCmd { cmd := NewStringSliceCmd("zrevrange", key, start, stop) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ZRevRangeWithScores(key string, start, stop int64) *ZSliceCmd { cmd := NewZSliceCmd("zrevrange", key, start, stop, "withscores") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) zRevRangeBy(zcmd, key string, opt ZRangeBy) *StringSliceCmd { args := []interface{}{zcmd, key, opt.Max, opt.Min} if opt.Offset != 0 || opt.Count != 0 { args = append( args, "limit", opt.Offset, opt.Count, ) } cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ZRevRangeByScore(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *StringSliceCmd { return c.zRevRangeBy("zrevrangebyscore", key, opt) } func (c *cmdable) ZRevRangeByLex(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *StringSliceCmd { return c.zRevRangeBy("zrevrangebylex", key, opt) } func (c *cmdable) ZRevRangeByScoreWithScores(key string, opt ZRangeBy) *ZSliceCmd { args := []interface{}{"zrevrangebyscore", key, opt.Max, opt.Min, "withscores"} if opt.Offset != 0 || opt.Count != 0 { args = append( args, "limit", opt.Offset, opt.Count, ) } cmd := NewZSliceCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ZRevRank(key, member string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("zrevrank", key, member) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ZScore(key, member string) *FloatCmd { cmd := NewFloatCmd("zscore", key, member) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ZUnionStore(dest string, store ZStore, keys ...string) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 3+len(keys)) args[0] = "zunionstore" args[1] = dest args[2] = strconv.Itoa(len(keys)) for i, key := range keys { args[3+i] = key } if len(store.Weights) > 0 { args = append(args, "weights") for _, weight := range store.Weights { args = append(args, weight) } } if store.Aggregate != "" { args = append(args, "aggregate", store.Aggregate) } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func (c *cmdable) PFAdd(key string, els ...interface{}) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(els)) args[0] = "pfadd" args[1] = key for i, el := range els { args[2+i] = el } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) PFCount(keys ...string) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 1+len(keys)) args[0] = "pfcount" for i, key := range keys { args[1+i] = key } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) PFMerge(dest string, keys ...string) *StatusCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(keys)) args[0] = "pfmerge" args[1] = dest for i, key := range keys { args[2+i] = key } cmd := NewStatusCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func (c *cmdable) BgRewriteAOF() *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("bgrewriteaof") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) BgSave() *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("bgsave") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClientKill(ipPort string) *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("client", "kill", ipPort) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClientList() *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("client", "list") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClientPause(dur time.Duration) *BoolCmd { cmd := NewBoolCmd("client", "pause", formatMs(dur)) c.process(cmd) return cmd } // ClientSetName assigns a name to the connection. func (c *statefulCmdable) ClientSetName(name string) *BoolCmd { cmd := NewBoolCmd("client", "setname", name) c.process(cmd) return cmd } // ClientGetName returns the name of the connection. func (c *statefulCmdable) ClientGetName() *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("client", "getname") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ConfigGet(parameter string) *SliceCmd { cmd := NewSliceCmd("config", "get", parameter) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ConfigResetStat() *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("config", "resetstat") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ConfigSet(parameter, value string) *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("config", "set", parameter, value) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) DbSize() *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("dbsize") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) FlushAll() *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("flushall") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) FlushDb() *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("flushdb") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Info(section ...string) *StringCmd { args := []interface{}{"info"} if len(section) > 0 { args = append(args, section[0]) } cmd := NewStringCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) LastSave() *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("lastsave") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Save() *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("save") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) shutdown(modifier string) *StatusCmd { var args []interface{} if modifier == "" { args = []interface{}{"shutdown"} } else { args = []interface{}{"shutdown", modifier} } cmd := NewStatusCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) if err := cmd.Err(); err != nil { if err == io.EOF { // Server quit as expected. cmd.err = nil } } else { // Server did not quit. String reply contains the reason. cmd.err = internal.RedisError(cmd.val) cmd.val = "" } return cmd } func (c *cmdable) Shutdown() *StatusCmd { return c.shutdown("") } func (c *cmdable) ShutdownSave() *StatusCmd { return c.shutdown("save") } func (c *cmdable) ShutdownNoSave() *StatusCmd { return c.shutdown("nosave") } func (c *cmdable) SlaveOf(host, port string) *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("slaveof", host, port) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) SlowLog() { panic("not implemented") } func (c *cmdable) Sync() { panic("not implemented") } func (c *cmdable) Time() *TimeCmd { cmd := NewTimeCmd("time") c.process(cmd) return cmd } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func (c *cmdable) Eval(script string, keys []string, args ...interface{}) *Cmd { cmdArgs := make([]interface{}, 3+len(keys)+len(args)) cmdArgs[0] = "eval" cmdArgs[1] = script cmdArgs[2] = strconv.Itoa(len(keys)) for i, key := range keys { cmdArgs[3+i] = key } pos := 3 + len(keys) for i, arg := range args { cmdArgs[pos+i] = arg } cmd := NewCmd(cmdArgs...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) EvalSha(sha1 string, keys []string, args ...interface{}) *Cmd { cmdArgs := make([]interface{}, 3+len(keys)+len(args)) cmdArgs[0] = "evalsha" cmdArgs[1] = sha1 cmdArgs[2] = strconv.Itoa(len(keys)) for i, key := range keys { cmdArgs[3+i] = key } pos := 3 + len(keys) for i, arg := range args { cmdArgs[pos+i] = arg } cmd := NewCmd(cmdArgs...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ScriptExists(scripts ...string) *BoolSliceCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(scripts)) args[0] = "script" args[1] = "exists" for i, script := range scripts { args[2+i] = script } cmd := NewBoolSliceCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ScriptFlush() *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("script", "flush") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ScriptKill() *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("script", "kill") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ScriptLoad(script string) *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("script", "load", script) c.process(cmd) return cmd } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func (c *cmdable) DebugObject(key string) *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("debug", "object", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Publish posts the message to the channel. func (c *cmdable) Publish(channel, message string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("PUBLISH", channel, message) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) PubSubChannels(pattern string) *StringSliceCmd { args := []interface{}{"pubsub", "channels"} if pattern != "*" { args = append(args, pattern) } cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) PubSubNumSub(channels ...string) *StringIntMapCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(channels)) args[0] = "pubsub" args[1] = "numsub" for i, channel := range channels { args[2+i] = channel } cmd := NewStringIntMapCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) PubSubNumPat() *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("pubsub", "numpat") c.process(cmd) return cmd } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func (c *cmdable) ClusterSlots() *ClusterSlotsCmd { cmd := NewClusterSlotsCmd("cluster", "slots") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClusterNodes() *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("cluster", "nodes") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClusterMeet(host, port string) *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("cluster", "meet", host, port) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClusterForget(nodeID string) *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("cluster", "forget", nodeID) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClusterReplicate(nodeID string) *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("cluster", "replicate", nodeID) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClusterResetSoft() *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("cluster", "reset", "soft") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClusterResetHard() *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("cluster", "reset", "hard") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClusterInfo() *StringCmd { cmd := NewStringCmd("cluster", "info") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClusterKeySlot(key string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("cluster", "keyslot", key) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClusterCountFailureReports(nodeID string) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("cluster", "count-failure-reports", nodeID) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClusterCountKeysInSlot(slot int) *IntCmd { cmd := NewIntCmd("cluster", "countkeysinslot", slot) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClusterDelSlots(slots *StatusCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(slots)) args[0] = "cluster" args[1] = "delslots" for i, slot := range slots { args[2+i] = slot } cmd := NewStatusCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClusterDelSlotsRange(min, max int) *StatusCmd { size := max - min + 1 slots := make([]int, size) for i := 0; i < size; i++ { slots[i] = min + i } return c.ClusterDelSlots(slots...) } func (c *cmdable) ClusterSaveConfig() *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("cluster", "saveconfig") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClusterSlaves(nodeID string) *StringSliceCmd { cmd := NewStringSliceCmd("cluster", "slaves", nodeID) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *statefulCmdable) ReadOnly() *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("readonly") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *statefulCmdable) ReadWrite() *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("readwrite") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClusterFailover() *StatusCmd { cmd := NewStatusCmd("cluster", "failover") c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClusterAddSlots(slots *StatusCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(slots)) args[0] = "cluster" args[1] = "addslots" for i, num := range slots { args[2+i] = strconv.Itoa(num) } cmd := NewStatusCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) ClusterAddSlotsRange(min, max int) *StatusCmd { size := max - min + 1 slots := make([]int, size) for i := 0; i < size; i++ { slots[i] = min + i } return c.ClusterAddSlots(slots...) } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func (c *cmdable) GeoAdd(key string, geoLocation ...*GeoLocation) *IntCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+3*len(geoLocation)) args[0] = "geoadd" args[1] = key for i, eachLoc := range geoLocation { args[2+3*i] = eachLoc.Longitude args[2+3*i+1] = eachLoc.Latitude args[2+3*i+2] = eachLoc.Name } cmd := NewIntCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) GeoRadius(key string, longitude, latitude float64, query *GeoRadiusQuery) *GeoLocationCmd { cmd := NewGeoLocationCmd(query, "georadius", key, longitude, latitude) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) GeoRadiusByMember(key, member string, query *GeoRadiusQuery) *GeoLocationCmd { cmd := NewGeoLocationCmd(query, "georadiusbymember", key, member) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) GeoDist(key string, member1, member2, unit string) *FloatCmd { if unit == "" { unit = "km" } cmd := NewFloatCmd("geodist", key, member1, member2, unit) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) GeoHash(key string, members ...string) *StringSliceCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(members)) args[0] = "geohash" args[1] = key for i, member := range members { args[2+i] = member } cmd := NewStringSliceCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } func (c *cmdable) GeoPos(key string, members ...string) *GeoPosCmd { args := make([]interface{}, 2+len(members)) args[0] = "geopos" args[1] = key for i, member := range members { args[2+i] = member } cmd := NewGeoPosCmd(args...) c.process(cmd) return cmd } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ func (c *cmdable) Command() *CommandsInfoCmd { cmd := NewCommandsInfoCmd("command") c.process(cmd) return cmd }