
550 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright 2017 Dgraph Labs, Inc. and Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package badger
import (
farm "github.com/dgryski/go-farm"
const (
deleteItem = iota
type uint64Heap []uint64
func (u uint64Heap) Len() int { return len(u) }
func (u uint64Heap) Less(i int, j int) bool { return u[i] < u[j] }
func (u uint64Heap) Swap(i int, j int) { u[i], u[j] = u[j], u[i] }
func (u *uint64Heap) Push(x interface{}) { *u = append(*u, x.(uint64)) }
func (u *uint64Heap) Pop() interface{} {
old := *u
n := len(old)
x := old[n-1]
*u = old[0 : n-1]
return x
type oracle struct {
curRead uint64 // Managed by the mutex.
refCount int64
isManaged bool // Does not change value, so no locking required.
writeLock sync.Mutex
nextCommit uint64
// commits stores a key fingerprint and latest commit counter for it.
// refCount is used to clear out commits map to avoid a memory blowup.
commits map[uint64]uint64
func (o *oracle) addRef() {
atomic.AddInt64(&o.refCount, 1)
func (o *oracle) decrRef() {
if count := atomic.AddInt64(&o.refCount, -1); count == 0 {
// Clear out commits maps to release memory.
// Avoids the race where something new is added to commitsMap
// after we check refCount and before we take Lock.
if atomic.LoadInt64(&o.refCount) != 0 {
if len(o.commits) >= 1000 { // If the map is still small, let it slide.
o.commits = make(map[uint64]uint64)
func (o *oracle) readTs() uint64 {
if o.isManaged {
return math.MaxUint64
return atomic.LoadUint64(&o.curRead)
func (o *oracle) commitTs() uint64 {
defer o.Unlock()
return o.nextCommit
// hasConflict must be called while having a lock.
func (o *oracle) hasConflict(txn *Txn) bool {
if len(txn.reads) == 0 {
return false
for _, ro := range txn.reads {
if ts, has := o.commits[ro]; has && ts > txn.readTs {
return true
return false
func (o *oracle) newCommitTs(txn *Txn) uint64 {
defer o.Unlock()
if o.hasConflict(txn) {
return 0
var ts uint64
if !o.isManaged {
// This is the general case, when user doesn't specify the read and commit ts.
ts = o.nextCommit
} else {
// If commitTs is set, use it instead.
ts = txn.commitTs
for _, w := range txn.writes {
o.commits[w] = ts // Update the commitTs.
return ts
func (o *oracle) doneCommit(cts uint64) {
if o.isManaged {
// No need to update anything.
for {
curRead := atomic.LoadUint64(&o.curRead)
if cts <= curRead {
atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&o.curRead, curRead, cts)
// Txn represents a Badger transaction.
type Txn struct {
readTs uint64
commitTs uint64
update bool // update is used to conditionally keep track of reads.
reads []uint64 // contains fingerprints of keys read.
writes []uint64 // contains fingerprints of keys written.
pendingWrites map[string]*Entry // cache stores any writes done by txn.
db *DB
callbacks []func()
discarded bool
size int64
count int64
type pendingWritesIterator struct {
entries []*Entry
nextIdx int
readTs uint64
reversed bool
func (pi *pendingWritesIterator) Next() {
func (pi *pendingWritesIterator) Rewind() {
pi.nextIdx = 0
func (pi *pendingWritesIterator) Seek(key []byte) {
key = y.ParseKey(key)
pi.nextIdx = sort.Search(len(pi.entries), func(idx int) bool {
cmp := bytes.Compare(pi.entries[idx].Key, key)
if !pi.reversed {
return cmp >= 0
return cmp <= 0
func (pi *pendingWritesIterator) Key() []byte {
entry := pi.entries[pi.nextIdx]
return y.KeyWithTs(entry.Key, pi.readTs)
func (pi *pendingWritesIterator) Value() y.ValueStruct {
entry := pi.entries[pi.nextIdx]
return y.ValueStruct{
Value: entry.Value,
Meta: entry.meta,
UserMeta: entry.UserMeta,
ExpiresAt: entry.ExpiresAt,
Version: pi.readTs,
func (pi *pendingWritesIterator) Valid() bool {
return pi.nextIdx < len(pi.entries)
func (pi *pendingWritesIterator) Close() error {
return nil
func (txn *Txn) newPendingWritesIterator(reversed bool) *pendingWritesIterator {
if !txn.update || len(txn.pendingWrites) == 0 {
return nil
entries := make([]*Entry, 0, len(txn.pendingWrites))
for _, e := range txn.pendingWrites {
entries = append(entries, e)
// Number of pending writes per transaction shouldn't be too big in general.
sort.Slice(entries, func(i, j int) bool {
cmp := bytes.Compare(entries[i].Key, entries[j].Key)
if !reversed {
return cmp < 0
return cmp > 0
return &pendingWritesIterator{
readTs: txn.readTs,
entries: entries,
reversed: reversed,
func (txn *Txn) checkSize(e *Entry) error {
count := txn.count + 1
// Extra bytes for version in key.
size := txn.size + int64(e.estimateSize(txn.db.opt.ValueThreshold)) + 10
if count >= txn.db.opt.maxBatchCount || size >= txn.db.opt.maxBatchSize {
return ErrTxnTooBig
txn.count, txn.size = count, size
return nil
// Set adds a key-value pair to the database.
// It will return ErrReadOnlyTxn if update flag was set to false when creating the
// transaction.
func (txn *Txn) Set(key, val []byte) error {
e := &Entry{
Key: key,
Value: val,
return txn.SetEntry(e)
// SetWithMeta adds a key-value pair to the database, along with a metadata
// byte. This byte is stored alongside the key, and can be used as an aid to
// interpret the value or store other contextual bits corresponding to the
// key-value pair.
func (txn *Txn) SetWithMeta(key, val []byte, meta byte) error {
e := &Entry{Key: key, Value: val, UserMeta: meta}
return txn.SetEntry(e)
// SetWithTTL adds a key-value pair to the database, along with a time-to-live
// (TTL) setting. A key stored with with a TTL would automatically expire after
// the time has elapsed , and be eligible for garbage collection.
func (txn *Txn) SetWithTTL(key, val []byte, dur time.Duration) error {
expire := time.Now().Add(dur).Unix()
e := &Entry{Key: key, Value: val, ExpiresAt: uint64(expire)}
return txn.SetEntry(e)
func (txn *Txn) modify(e *Entry, operation int) error {
if !txn.update {
return ErrReadOnlyTxn
} else if txn.discarded {
return ErrDiscardedTxn
} else if len(e.Key) == 0 {
return ErrEmptyKey
} else if len(e.Key) > maxKeySize {
return exceedsMaxKeySizeError(e.Key)
} else if int64(len(e.Value)) > txn.db.opt.ValueLogFileSize {
return exceedsMaxValueSizeError(e.Value, txn.db.opt.ValueLogFileSize)
if err := txn.checkSize(e); err != nil {
return err
fp := farm.Fingerprint64(e.Key) // Avoid dealing with byte arrays.
txn.writes = append(txn.writes, fp)
txn.pendingWrites[string(e.Key)] = e
return nil
// SetEntry takes an Entry struct and adds the key-value pair in the struct, along
// with other metadata to the database.
func (txn *Txn) SetEntry(e *Entry) error {
return txn.modify(e, setItem)
// Delete deletes a key. This is done by adding a delete marker for the key at commit timestamp.
// Any reads happening before this timestamp would be unaffected. Any reads after this commit would
// see the deletion.
func (txn *Txn) Delete(key []byte) error {
e := &Entry{
Key: key,
meta: bitDelete,
return txn.modify(e, deleteItem)
// Get looks for key and returns corresponding Item.
// If key is not found, ErrKeyNotFound is returned.
func (txn *Txn) Get(key []byte) (item *Item, rerr error) {
if len(key) == 0 {
return nil, ErrEmptyKey
} else if txn.discarded {
return nil, ErrDiscardedTxn
item = new(Item)
if txn.update {
if e, has := txn.pendingWrites[string(key)]; has && bytes.Equal(key, e.Key) {
if isDeletedOrExpired(e.meta, e.ExpiresAt) {
return nil, ErrKeyNotFound
// Fulfill from cache.
item.meta = e.meta
item.val = e.Value
item.userMeta = e.UserMeta
item.key = key
item.status = prefetched
item.version = txn.readTs
// We probably don't need to set db on item here.
return item, nil
// Only track reads if this is update txn. No need to track read if txn serviced it
// internally.
fp := farm.Fingerprint64(key)
txn.reads = append(txn.reads, fp)
seek := y.KeyWithTs(key, txn.readTs)
vs, err := txn.db.get(seek)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "DB::Get key: %q", key)
if vs.Value == nil && vs.Meta == 0 {
return nil, ErrKeyNotFound
if isDeletedOrExpired(vs.Meta, vs.ExpiresAt) {
return nil, ErrKeyNotFound
item.key = key
item.version = vs.Version
item.meta = vs.Meta
item.userMeta = vs.UserMeta
item.db = txn.db
item.vptr = vs.Value
item.txn = txn
return item, nil
func (txn *Txn) runCallbacks() {
for _, cb := range txn.callbacks {
txn.callbacks = nil
// Discard discards a created transaction. This method is very important and must be called. Commit
// method calls this internally, however, calling this multiple times doesn't cause any issues. So,
// this can safely be called via a defer right when transaction is created.
// NOTE: If any operations are run on a discarded transaction, ErrDiscardedTxn is returned.
func (txn *Txn) Discard() {
if txn.discarded { // Avoid a re-run.
txn.discarded = true
if txn.update {
// Commit commits the transaction, following these steps:
// 1. If there are no writes, return immediately.
// 2. Check if read rows were updated since txn started. If so, return ErrConflict.
// 3. If no conflict, generate a commit timestamp and update written rows' commit ts.
// 4. Batch up all writes, write them to value log and LSM tree.
// 5. If callback is provided, Badger will return immediately after checking
// for conflicts. Writes to the database will happen in the background. If
// there is a conflict, an error will be returned and the callback will not
// run. If there are no conflicts, the callback will be called in the
// background upon successful completion of writes or any error during write.
// If error is nil, the transaction is successfully committed. In case of a non-nil error, the LSM
// tree won't be updated, so there's no need for any rollback.
func (txn *Txn) Commit(callback func(error)) error {
if txn.commitTs == 0 && txn.db.opt.managedTxns {
return ErrManagedTxn
if txn.discarded {
return ErrDiscardedTxn
defer txn.Discard()
if len(txn.writes) == 0 {
return nil // Nothing to do.
state := txn.db.orc
commitTs := state.newCommitTs(txn)
if commitTs == 0 {
return ErrConflict
entries := make([]*Entry, 0, len(txn.pendingWrites)+1)
for _, e := range txn.pendingWrites {
// Suffix the keys with commit ts, so the key versions are sorted in
// descending order of commit timestamp.
e.Key = y.KeyWithTs(e.Key, commitTs)
e.meta |= bitTxn
entries = append(entries, e)
e := &Entry{
Key: y.KeyWithTs(txnKey, commitTs),
Value: []byte(strconv.FormatUint(commitTs, 10)),
meta: bitFinTxn,
entries = append(entries, e)
req, err := txn.db.sendToWriteCh(entries)
if err != nil {
return err
// Need to release all locks or writes can get deadlocked.
if callback == nil {
// If batchSet failed, LSM would not have been updated. So, no need to rollback anything.
// TODO: What if some of the txns successfully make it to value log, but others fail.
// Nothing gets updated to LSM, until a restart happens.
defer state.doneCommit(commitTs)
return req.Wait()
go func() {
err := req.Wait()
// Write is complete. Let's call the callback function now.
return nil
// NewTransaction creates a new transaction. Badger supports concurrent execution of transactions,
// providing serializable snapshot isolation, avoiding write skews. Badger achieves this by tracking
// the keys read and at Commit time, ensuring that these read keys weren't concurrently modified by
// another transaction.
// For read-only transactions, set update to false. In this mode, we don't track the rows read for
// any changes. Thus, any long running iterations done in this mode wouldn't pay this overhead.
// Running transactions concurrently is OK. However, a transaction itself isn't thread safe, and
// should only be run serially. It doesn't matter if a transaction is created by one goroutine and
// passed down to other, as long as the Txn APIs are called serially.
// When you create a new transaction, it is absolutely essential to call
// Discard(). This should be done irrespective of what the update param is set
// to. Commit API internally runs Discard, but running it twice wouldn't cause
// any issues.
// txn := db.NewTransaction(false)
// defer txn.Discard()
// // Call various APIs.
func (db *DB) NewTransaction(update bool) *Txn {
if db.opt.ReadOnly && update {
// DB is read-only, force read-only transaction.
update = false
txn := &Txn{
update: update,
db: db,
readTs: db.orc.readTs(),
count: 1, // One extra entry for BitFin.
size: int64(len(txnKey) + 10), // Some buffer for the extra entry.
if update {
txn.pendingWrites = make(map[string]*Entry)
return txn
// View executes a function creating and managing a read-only transaction for the user. Error
// returned by the function is relayed by the View method.
func (db *DB) View(fn func(txn *Txn) error) error {
if db.opt.managedTxns {
return ErrManagedTxn
txn := db.NewTransaction(false)
defer txn.Discard()
return fn(txn)
// Update executes a function, creating and managing a read-write transaction
// for the user. Error returned by the function is relayed by the Update method.
func (db *DB) Update(fn func(txn *Txn) error) error {
if db.opt.managedTxns {
return ErrManagedTxn
txn := db.NewTransaction(true)
defer txn.Discard()
if err := fn(txn); err != nil {
return err
return txn.Commit(nil)