
161 lines
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Protocol Buffer
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2023-03-27 18:57:28 +00:00
syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package valhalla;
option go_package = "";
import public "common.proto";
import public "sign.proto";
message DirectionsLeg {
message Summary {
float length = 1; // kilometers or miles based on units
double time = 2; // seconds
BoundingBox bbox = 3; // Bounding box of the shape
bool has_time_restrictions = 4; // Does the route contain any time restrictions?
bool has_toll = 5;
bool has_ferry = 6;
bool has_highway = 7;
message GuidanceView {
enum Type{
kJunction = 0;
kSapa = 1;
kTollbranch = 2;
kAftertoll = 3;
kEnt = 4;
kExit = 5;
kCityreal = 6;
kDirectionboard = 7;
kSignboard = 8;
string data_id = 1; // TODO future enum as data id?
Type type = 2; // The type of guidance view
string base_id = 3; // Image base id
repeated string overlay_ids = 4; // List of overlay ids
message Maneuver {
enum CardinalDirection {
kNorth = 0;
kNorthEast = 1;
kEast = 2;
kSouthEast = 3;
kSouth = 4;
kSouthWest = 5;
kWest = 6;
kNorthWest = 7;
// TODO - add others later
enum Type {
kNone = 0;
kStart = 1;
kStartRight = 2;
kStartLeft = 3;
kDestination = 4;
kDestinationRight = 5;
kDestinationLeft = 6;
kBecomes = 7;
kContinue = 8;
kSlightRight = 9;
kRight = 10;
kSharpRight = 11;
kUturnRight = 12;
kUturnLeft = 13;
kSharpLeft = 14;
kLeft = 15;
kSlightLeft = 16;
kRampStraight = 17;
kRampRight = 18;
kRampLeft = 19;
kExitRight = 20;
kExitLeft = 21;
kStayStraight = 22;
kStayRight = 23;
kStayLeft = 24;
kMerge = 25;
kRoundaboutEnter = 26;
kRoundaboutExit = 27;
kFerryEnter = 28;
kFerryExit = 29;
kTransit = 30;
kTransitTransfer = 31;
kTransitRemainOn = 32;
kTransitConnectionStart = 33;
kTransitConnectionTransfer = 34;
kTransitConnectionDestination = 35;
kPostTransitConnectionDestination = 36;
kMergeRight = 37;
kMergeLeft = 38;
kElevatorEnter = 39;
kStepsEnter = 40;
kEscalatorEnter = 41;
kBuildingEnter = 42;
kBuildingExit = 43;
enum BssManeuverType{
kNoneAction = 0;
kRentBikeAtBikeShare = 1;
kReturnBikeAtBikeShare = 2;
Type type = 1; // Maneuver type
string text_instruction = 2; // text instruction
repeated StreetName street_name = 3; // street names
float length = 4; // kilometers or miles based on units
double time = 5; // seconds
CardinalDirection begin_cardinal_direction = 6; // CardinalDirection
uint32 begin_heading = 7; // 0-360
uint32 begin_shape_index = 8; // inclusive index
uint32 end_shape_index = 9; // inclusive index
bool portions_toll = 10; // has portions toll
bool portions_unpaved = 11; // has portions unpaved
string verbal_transition_alert_instruction = 12; // verbal transition alert instruction
string verbal_pre_transition_instruction = 13; // verbal pre-transition instruction
string verbal_post_transition_instruction = 14; // verbal post-transition instruction
repeated StreetName begin_street_name = 15; // begin street names
TripSign sign = 16; // associated sign information, for example: exit number
uint32 roundabout_exit_count = 17; // which spoke to exit roundabout after entering
string depart_instruction = 18; // depart instruction - used with transit
string verbal_depart_instruction = 19; // verbal depart instruction - used with transit
string arrive_instruction = 20; // arrive instruction - used with transit
string verbal_arrive_instruction = 21; // verbal arrive instruction - used with transit
TransitRouteInfo transit_info = 22; // transit attributes including a list of transit stops
bool verbal_multi_cue = 23; // verbal multi-cue flag
TravelMode travel_mode = 24; // travel mode
VehicleType vehicle_type = 25;
PedestrianType pedestrian_type = 26;
BicycleType bicycle_type = 27;
TransitType transit_type = 28;
uint32 begin_path_index = 29; // Index in TripPath for first node of maneuver
uint32 end_path_index = 30; // Index in TripPath for last node of maneuver
bool to_stay_on = 31; // True if same name as previous maneuver
repeated StreetName roundabout_exit_street_names = 32;// Outbound street names from roundabout
uint32 turn_degree = 33; // Turn degree of maneuver
bool has_time_restrictions = 34; // Whether edge has any time restrictions or not
repeated GuidanceView guidance_views = 35; // List of guidance views
BssManeuverType bss_maneuver_type = 36;
string verbal_succinct_transition_instruction = 37; // verbal succinct transition instruction
BikeShareStationInfo bss_info = 38; // Bike Share Station Info
bool portions_highway = 39; // has portions highway
bool portions_ferry = 40; // has portions ferry
uint64 trip_id = 1;
uint32 leg_id = 2;
uint32 leg_count = 3;
repeated Location location = 4;
Summary summary = 5;
repeated Maneuver maneuver = 6;
string shape = 7;
message DirectionsRoute {
repeated DirectionsLeg legs = 1;
message Directions {
repeated DirectionsRoute routes = 1;