
36 lines
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Protocol Buffer
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2023-03-27 18:57:28 +00:00
syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option go_package = "";
package valhalla;
// Statistics are modelled off of the statsd API
// the type of statistic we are recording
enum StatisticType {
count = 0;
gauge = 1;
timing = 2;
set = 3;
// The key for a statistic regarding the running of the service should be of the form:
// action.worker_name.metric so that we can tell what type of request it was and where in the pipeline it happened
message Statistic {
string key = 1; // the key/name of the statistic
double value = 2; // the value of the statistic
float frequency = 3; // how often to report the statistic [0-1]
StatisticType type = 4; // what type is it
message CodedDescription {
string description = 1;
uint64 code = 2;
message Info {
repeated Statistic statistics = 1; // stats that we collect during request processing
repeated CodedDescription errors = 2; // errors that occured during request processing
repeated CodedDescription warnings = 3; // warnings that occured during request processing
bool is_service = 4; // was this a service request/response rather than a direct call to the library