syntax = "proto3"; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; option go_package = ""; package valhalla; import public "common.proto"; message TripSignElement { string text = 1; // The actual sign element text, examples: I 95 North or Derry Street bool is_route_number = 2; // true if sign element is a reference route number such as: I 81 South or US 322 West uint32 consecutive_count = 3; // The frequency of this sign element within a set a consecutive signs Pronunciation pronunciation = 4; // The pronunciation associated with this sign element } message TripSign { repeated TripSignElement exit_numbers = 1; // The list of exit numbers, example: 67B repeated TripSignElement exit_onto_streets = 2; // The list of exit branch street names, examples: I 95 North or Baltimore-Washington Parkway repeated TripSignElement exit_toward_locations = 3; // The list of exit toward locations, examples: New York or I 395 South repeated TripSignElement exit_names = 4; // The list of exit names - not used much in US, example: Gettysburg Pike repeated TripSignElement guide_onto_streets = 5; // The list of guide branch street names, examples: US 22 West or Baltimore-Washington Parkway repeated TripSignElement guide_toward_locations = 6; // The list of guide toward locations, examples: Lewistown or US 15 repeated TripSignElement junction_names = 7; // The list of junction names, examples: 万年橋東 or Mannenbashi East repeated TripSignElement guidance_view_junctions = 8; // The list of guidance view junctions, examples: AB12345;1 or AB12345;E repeated TripSignElement guidance_view_signboards = 9; // The list of guidance view signboards, examples: SI_721701166;1 or SI_721701166;2 }