syntax = "proto3"; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; option go_package = ""; package valhalla; import public "common.proto"; import public "sign.proto"; import "incidents.proto"; message TripLeg { enum Traversability { kNone = 0; kForward = 1; kBackward = 2; kBoth = 3; } enum Use { kRoadUse = 0; kRampUse = 1; // Link - exits/entrance ramps. kTurnChannelUse = 2; // Link - turn lane. kTrackUse = 3; // Agricultural use; forest tracks kDrivewayUse = 4; // Driveway/private service kAlleyUse = 5; // Service road - limited route use kParkingAisleUse = 6; // Access roads in parking areas kEmergencyAccessUse = 7; // Emergency vehicles only kDriveThruUse = 8; // Commercial drive-thru (banks/fast-food) kCuldesacUse = 9; // Cul-de-sac (edge that forms a loop and is only // connected at one node to another edge. kLivingStreetUse = 10; // Shared space for cars, bikes, pedestrians kServiceRoadUse = 11; // Generic service road (not driveway, alley, parking aisle, etc.) // Bicycle specific uses kCyclewayUse = 20; // Dedicated bicycle path kMountainBikeUse = 21; // Mountain bike trail kSidewalkUse = 24; // Pedestrian specific uses kFootwayUse = 25; kStepsUse = 26; // Stairs kPathUse = 27; kPedestrianUse = 28; kBridlewayUse = 29; kPedestrianCrossingUse = 32; kElevatorUse = 33; kEscalatorUse = 34; //Rest/Service Areas kRestAreaUse = 30; kServiceAreaUse = 31; // Other... kOtherUse = 40; // Ferry and rail ferry kFerryUse = 41; kRailFerryUse = 42; kConstructionUse = 43; // Road under construction // Transit specific uses. Must be last in the list kRailUse = 50; // Rail line kBusUse = 51; // Bus line kEgressConnectionUse = 52; // Connection between transit station and transit egress kPlatformConnectionUse = 53; // Connection between transit station and transit platform kTransitConnectionUse = 54; // Connection between road network and transit egress } enum Surface { kPavedSmooth = 0; kPaved = 1; kPavedRough = 2; kCompacted = 3; kDirt = 4; kGravel = 5; kPath = 6; kImpassable = 7; } enum CycleLane { kNoCycleLane = 0; kShared = 1; // Shared use lane (could be shared with pedestrians) kDedicated = 2; // Dedicated cycle lane kSeparated = 3; // A separate cycle lane (physical separation from the main carriageway } enum SacScale { kNoSacScale = 0; kHiking = 1; kMountainHiking = 2; kDemandingMountainHiking = 3; kAlpineHiking = 4; kDemandingAlpineHiking = 5; kDifficultAlpineHiking = 6; } enum Sidewalk { kNoSidewalk = 0; kLeft = 1; kRight = 2; kBothSides = 3; } message LaneConnectivity { uint64 from_way_id = 1; string from_lanes = 2; string to_lanes = 3; } message TrafficSegment { uint64 segment_id = 1; float begin_percent = 2; float end_percent = 3; bool starts_segment = 4; bool ends_segment = 5; } message Restriction{ uint32 type = 1; } message Edge { repeated StreetName name = 1; // street names float length_km = 2; // km float speed = 3; // km/h RoadClass road_class = 4; uint32 begin_heading = 5; // 0-359 uint32 end_heading = 6; // 0-359 uint32 begin_shape_index = 7; // inclusive uint32 end_shape_index = 8; // inclusive Traversability traversability = 9; Use use = 10; bool toll = 11; bool unpaved = 12; bool tunnel = 13; bool bridge = 14; bool roundabout = 15; bool internal_intersection = 16; bool drive_on_left = 17; // [default = false] Surface surface = 18; TripSign sign = 19; TravelMode travel_mode = 20; VehicleType vehicle_type = 21; PedestrianType pedestrian_type = 22; BicycleType bicycle_type = 23; TransitType transit_type = 24; TransitRouteInfo transit_route_info = 25; uint64 id = 26; uint64 way_id = 27; float weighted_grade = 28; int32 max_upward_grade = 29; // set to 32768 if no elevation data int32 max_downward_grade = 30; // set to 32768 if no elevation data uint32 lane_count = 31; CycleLane cycle_lane = 32; bool bicycle_network = 33; // true if the edge is part of a bike network Sidewalk sidewalk = 34; uint32 density = 35; uint32 speed_limit = 36; // 0 if unavailable, 255 if unlimited float truck_speed = 37; // km/h, 0 if unavailable bool truck_route = 38; repeated LaneConnectivity lane_connectivity = 39; int32 mean_elevation = 40; // set to 32768 if no elevation data repeated TrafficSegment traffic_segment = 41; repeated TurnLane turn_lanes = 42; bool has_time_restrictions = 43; float default_speed = 44; // km/h Restriction restriction = 45; bool destination_only = 46; bool is_urban = 47; // uses edge density to decide if edge is in an urban area repeated TaggedValue tagged_value = 48; // for the part of the edge that is used in the path we must know where // it starts and ends along the length of the edge as a percentage float source_along_edge = 49; float target_along_edge = 50; SacScale sac_scale = 51; bool shoulder = 52; bool indoor = 53; } message IntersectingEdge { uint32 begin_heading = 1; // 0-359 bool prev_name_consistency = 2; bool curr_name_consistency = 3; Traversability driveability = 4; Traversability cyclability = 5; Traversability walkability = 6; Use use = 7; RoadClass road_class = 8; uint32 lane_count = 9; TripSign sign = 10; } message Cost { double seconds = 1; double cost = 2; } message PathCost { Cost elapsed_cost = 1; Cost transition_cost = 2; } message Node { enum Type { kStreetIntersection = 0; // Regular intersection of 2+ roads kGate = 1; // Gate or rising bollard kBollard = 2; // Bollard (fixed obstruction) kTollBooth = 3; // Toll booth / fare collection // TODO - for now there is no differentiation between bus and rail stops... kTransitEgress = 4; // Transit egress kTransitStation = 5; // Transit station kTransitPlatform = 6; // Transit platform (rail and bus) kBikeShare = 7; // Bike share location kParking = 8; // Parking location kMotorwayJunction = 9; // Highway = motorway_junction kBorderControl = 10; // Border control kTollGantry = 11; // Toll gantry kSumpBuster = 12; // Sump Buster kBuildingEntrance = 13; // Building Entrance kElevator = 14; // Elevator } Edge edge = 1; repeated IntersectingEdge intersecting_edge = 2; uint32 admin_index = 3; // index into the admin list, 0 if unknown Type type = 4; // The type of node bool fork = 5; // Fork TransitPlatformInfo transit_platform_info = 6; TransitStationInfo transit_station_info = 7; TransitEgressInfo transit_egress_info = 10; string time_zone = 11; PathCost cost = 12; // how much cost did it take at this node in the path repeated PathCost recosts = 13; // how much cost did it take at this node in the path for recostings BikeShareStationInfo bss_info = 14; } message Admin { string country_code = 1; string country_text = 2; string state_code = 3; string state_text = 4; } message ShapeAttributes { repeated uint32 time = 1 [packed=true]; // milliseconds repeated uint32 length = 2 [packed=true]; // decimeters repeated uint32 speed = 3 [packed=true]; // decimeters per sec // 4 is reserved repeated uint32 speed_limit = 5 [packed=true]; // speed limit in kph } // we encapsulate the real incident object here so we can add information // about where it is along the route, ie once its referenced to the route message Incident { valhalla.IncidentsTile.Metadata metadata = 1; // Valhalla additions to incident metadata goes here uint32 begin_shape_index = 3; uint32 end_shape_index = 4; }; message Closure { oneof has_begin_shape_index { uint32 begin_shape_index = 1; } oneof has_end_shape_index { uint32 end_shape_index = 2; } }; uint64 osm_changeset = 1; uint64 trip_id = 2; uint32 leg_id = 3; uint32 leg_count = 4; repeated Location location = 5; repeated Node node = 6; repeated Admin admin = 7; string shape = 8; BoundingBox bbox = 9; ShapeAttributes shape_attributes = 10; repeated Incident incidents = 11; repeated string algorithms = 12; repeated Closure closures = 13; } message TripRoute { repeated TripLeg legs = 1; } message Trip { repeated TripRoute routes = 1; }