syntax = "proto3"; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; option go_package = ""; package valhalla; import public "common.proto"; message Contour { oneof has_time { float time = 1; // minutes } oneof has_color { string color = 2; // hex color with out # - for example: "ff0000" for red } oneof has_distance { float distance = 3; // kilometers } } message Ring { repeated LatLng coords = 1; } enum ShapeMatch { walk_or_snap = 0; edge_walk = 1; map_snap = 2; } enum FilterAction { no_action = 0; exclude = 1; include = 2; } enum DirectionsType { instructions = 0; none = 1; maneuvers = 2; } enum ShapeFormat { polyline6 = 0; polyline5 = 1; geojson = 2; } // use this to select which top level fields should be present in the pbf output // the actions below are marked for each field that would provide a minimal response message PbfFieldSelector { bool options = 1; bool trip = 2; // /trace_attributes bool directions = 3; // /route /trace_route /optimized_route /centroid bool status = 4; // /status // TODO: enable these once we have objects for them // bool isochrone = 5; // bool matrix = 6; // bool locate = 7; // bool height = 8; // bool expansion = 9; } message AvoidEdge { oneof has_id { uint64 id = 1; } oneof has_percent_along { float percent_along = 2; } } message Costing { enum Type { none_ = 0; bicycle = 1; bus = 2; motor_scooter = 3; multimodal = 4; // turns into pedestrian + transit pedestrian = 5; transit = 6; truck = 7; motorcycle = 8; taxi = 9; auto_ = 10; bikeshare = 11; // turns into pedestrian + bike } message Options { oneof has_maneuver_penalty { float maneuver_penalty = 1; } oneof has_destination_only_penalty { float destination_only_penalty = 2; } oneof has_gate_cost { float gate_cost = 3; } oneof has_gate_penalty { float gate_penalty = 4; } oneof has_toll_booth_cost { float toll_booth_cost = 5; } oneof has_toll_booth_penalty { float toll_booth_penalty = 6; } oneof has_alley_penalty { float alley_penalty = 7; } oneof has_country_crossing_cost { float country_crossing_cost = 8; } oneof has_country_crossing_penalty { float country_crossing_penalty = 9; } oneof has_ferry_cost { float ferry_cost = 10; } oneof has_avoid_bad_surfaces { float avoid_bad_surfaces = 11; } oneof has_use_ferry { float use_ferry = 12; } oneof has_use_highways { float use_highways = 13; } oneof has_use_tolls { float use_tolls = 14; } oneof has_use_roads { float use_roads = 15; } oneof has_max_distance { uint32 max_distance = 16; } oneof has_walking_speed { float walking_speed = 17; } oneof has_step_penalty { float step_penalty = 18; } oneof has_max_grade { uint32 max_grade = 19; } oneof has_max_hiking_difficulty { uint32 max_hiking_difficulty = 20; } oneof has_mode_factor { float mode_factor = 21; } oneof has_walkway_factor { float walkway_factor = 22; } oneof has_sidewalk_factor { float sidewalk_factor = 23; } oneof has_alley_factor { float alley_factor = 24; } oneof has_driveway_factor { float driveway_factor = 25; } oneof has_driveway_penalty { float driveway_penalty = 26; } oneof has_transit_start_end_max_distance { uint32 transit_start_end_max_distance = 27; } oneof has_transit_transfer_max_distance { uint32 transit_transfer_max_distance = 28; } oneof has_transport_type { string transport_type = 29; } oneof has_top_speed { float top_speed = 30; } oneof has_use_hills { float use_hills = 31; } oneof has_use_primary { float use_primary = 32; } oneof has_use_trails { float use_trails = 33; } oneof has_low_class_penalty { float low_class_penalty = 34; } oneof has_hazmat { bool hazmat = 35; } oneof has_weight { float weight = 36; } oneof has_axle_load { float axle_load = 37; } oneof has_height { float height = 38; } oneof has_width { float width = 39; } oneof has_length { float length = 40; } oneof has_cycling_speed { float cycling_speed = 41; } oneof has_wheelchair { bool wheelchair = 42; } oneof has_bicycle { bool bicycle = 43; } oneof has_use_bus { float use_bus = 44; } oneof has_use_rail { float use_rail = 45; } oneof has_use_transfers { float use_transfers = 46; } oneof has_transfer_cost { float transfer_cost = 47; } oneof has_transfer_penalty { float transfer_penalty = 48; } FilterAction filter_stop_action = 49; repeated string filter_stop_ids = 50; FilterAction filter_operator_action = 51; repeated string filter_operator_ids = 52; FilterAction filter_route_action = 53; repeated string filter_route_ids = 54; oneof has_flow_mask { uint32 flow_mask = 55; } oneof has_bike_share_cost { float bike_share_cost = 56; } oneof has_bike_share_penalty { float bike_share_penalty = 57; } oneof has_rail_ferry_cost { float rail_ferry_cost = 58; } oneof has_use_rail_ferry { float use_rail_ferry = 59; } oneof has_ignore_restrictions { bool ignore_restrictions = 60; } oneof has_ignore_oneways { bool ignore_oneways = 61; } oneof has_ignore_access { bool ignore_access = 62; } oneof has_ignore_closures { bool ignore_closures = 63; } oneof has_shortest { bool shortest = 64; } oneof has_service_penalty { float service_penalty = 65; } oneof has_use_tracks { float use_tracks = 66; } oneof has_use_distance { float use_distance = 67; } oneof has_use_living_streets { float use_living_streets = 68; } oneof has_service_factor { float service_factor = 69; } oneof has_closure_factor { float closure_factor = 70; } oneof has_private_access_penalty { float private_access_penalty = 71; } oneof has_exclude_unpaved { bool exclude_unpaved = 72; } oneof has_include_hot { bool include_hot = 73; } oneof has_include_hov2 { bool include_hov2 = 74; } oneof has_include_hov3 { bool include_hov3 = 75; } oneof has_exclude_cash_only_tolls { bool exclude_cash_only_tolls = 76; } oneof has_restriction_probability { uint32 restriction_probability = 77; } repeated AvoidEdge exclude_edges = 78; oneof has_elevator_penalty { float elevator_penalty = 79; } uint32 fixed_speed = 80; uint32 axle_count = 81; float use_lit = 82; } oneof has_options { Options options = 1; } Type type = 2; oneof has_name { string name = 3; } // this is used internally only, setting it in your request will have no effect oneof has_filter_closures { bool filter_closures = 4; } } message Options { enum Units { kilometers = 0; miles = 1; } enum Format { json = 0; gpx = 1; osrm = 2; pbf = 3; } enum Action { no_action = 0; route = 1; locate = 2; sources_to_targets = 3; optimized_route = 4; isochrone = 5; trace_route = 6; trace_attributes = 7; height = 8; transit_available = 9; expansion = 10; centroid = 11; status = 12; } enum DateTimeType { no_time = 0; current = 1; depart_at = 2; arrive_by = 3; invariant = 4; } enum ExpansionProperties { costs = 0; durations = 1; distances = 2; statuses = 3; edge_ids = 4; } Units units = 1; // kilometers or miles oneof has_language { string language = 2; // Based on IETF BCP 47 language tag string [default = "en-US"] } DirectionsType directions_type = 3; // Enable/disable narrative production [default = instructions] Format format = 4; // What the response format should be [default = json] oneof has_id { string id = 5; // id for the request } oneof has_jsonp { string jsonp = 6; // javascript callback for the request } oneof has_encoded_polyline { string encoded_polyline = 7; // polyline 6 encoded shape used in /height /trace_* } Action action = 8; // Action signifying the request type //deprecated = 9; oneof has_range { bool range = 10; // Used in /height if the range between points should be serialized [default = false] } // verbose needs to stay oneof, so that matrix serializer can default to true oneof has_verbose { bool verbose = 11; // Used in /locate & /status request to give back extensive information [default = false] } Costing.Type costing_type = 12; // The main costing to use with the action, in multimodal this is the first costing to use map costings = 13; // A map of Costing.Type enum to its Costing object repeated Location locations = 14; // Locations for /route /optimized /locate /isochrone repeated Location exclude_locations = 15; // Avoids for any costing repeated Location sources = 16; // Sources for /sources_to_targets repeated Location targets = 17; // Targets for /sources_to_targets DateTimeType date_time_type = 18; // Are you leaving now or then or arriving then oneof has_date_time { string date_time = 19; // And what day and time } repeated Location shape = 20; // Raw shape for map matching oneof has_resample_distance { double resample_distance = 21; // Resampling shape at regular intervals } repeated Contour contours = 22; // List of isochrone contours oneof has_polygons { bool polygons = 23; // Boolean value to determine whether to return geojson polygons or linestrings as the contours } oneof has_denoise { float denoise = 24; // A floating point value from 0 to 1 which can be used to remove smaller contours (default 1.0) } oneof has_generalize { float generalize = 25; // Meters used as the tolerance for Douglas-Peucker generalization } oneof has_show_locations { bool show_locations = 26; // Add original locations to the isochrone geojson response } repeated Location trace = 27; // Trace points for map matching ShapeMatch shape_match = 28; // The matching algorithm based on the type of input [default = walk_or_snap] //deprecated = 29; oneof has_gps_accuracy { float gps_accuracy = 30; // The gps accuracy associated with the supplied trace points } oneof has_search_radius { float search_radius = 31; // The search radius associated with the supplied trace points } oneof has_turn_penalty_factor { float turn_penalty_factor = 32; // The turn penalty factor associated with the supplied trace points } FilterAction filter_action = 33; // The trace filter action - either exclude or include repeated string filter_attributes = 34; // The filter list for trace attributes oneof has_breakage_distance { float breakage_distance = 36; // Map-matching breaking distance (distance between GPS trace points) } oneof has_use_timestamps { bool use_timestamps = 37; // Use timestamps to compute elapsed time for trace_route and trace_attributes [default = false] } ShapeFormat shape_format = 38; // Shape format (defaults to polyline6 encoding) oneof has_alternates { uint32 alternates = 39; // Maximum number of alternate routes that can be returned } oneof has_interpolation_distance { float interpolation_distance = 40; // Map-matching interpolation distance beyond which trace points are merged } oneof has_guidance_views { bool guidance_views = 41; // Whether to return guidance_views in the response } // 42 is reserved oneof has_height_precision { uint32 height_precision = 43; // Number of digits precision for heights returned [default = 0] } oneof has_roundabout_exits { bool roundabout_exits = 44; // Whether to announce roundabout exit maneuvers [default = true] } oneof has_linear_references { bool linear_references = 45; // Include linear references for graph edges returned in certain responses. } repeated Costing recostings = 46; // CostingType options to use to recost a path after it has been found repeated Ring exclude_polygons = 47; // Rings/polygons to exclude entire areas during path finding oneof has_prioritize_bidirectional { bool prioritize_bidirectional = 48; // Prioritize bidirectional a* when depart_at date_time.type is specified [default = false] } oneof has_expansion_action { Action expansion_action = 49; // Meta action for /expansion endpoint } oneof has_skip_opposites { bool skip_opposites = 50; // Whether to return opposite edges encountered during expansion } repeated ExpansionProperties expansion_properties = 51; // The array keys (ExpansionTypes enum) to return in the /expansions's GeoJSON "properties" PbfFieldSelector pbf_field_selector = 52; // Which pbf fields to include in the pbf format response bool reverse = 53; // should the isochrone expansion be done in the reverse direction, ignored for multimodal isochrones oneof has_matrix_locations { // Number of matrix locations found that will trigger an early exit from uint32 matrix_locations = 54; // a one to many or many to one time distance matrix. Does not affect } // sources_to_targets when either sources or targets has more than 1 location // or when CostMatrix is the selected matrix mode. }