
282 lines
6.9 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package valhalla;
option go_package = "";
message LatLng {
oneof has_lat {
double lat = 1;
oneof has_lng {
double lng = 2;
message BoundingBox {
LatLng min_ll = 1;
LatLng max_ll = 2;
message SearchFilter {
// frc
oneof has_min_road_class {
RoadClass min_road_class = 1; // lowest road class to allow in loki results [default = kServiceOther]
oneof has_max_road_class {
RoadClass max_road_class = 2; // highest road class to allow in loki results [default = kMotorway]
// form of way
bool exclude_tunnel = 3; // whether to exclude tunnels from loki results [default = false]
bool exclude_bridge = 4; // whether to exclude bridges from loki results [default = false]
bool exclude_ramp = 5; // whether to exclude roads with ramp use from loki results [default = false]
oneof has_exclude_closures {
bool exclude_closures = 6;// whether to exclude roads marked as closed due to traffic [default = true]
message PathEdge {
uint64 graph_id = 1;
double percent_along = 2;
LatLng ll = 3;
Location.SideOfStreet side_of_street = 4;
double distance = 5;
bool begin_node = 7;
bool end_node = 8;
repeated string names = 10;
int32 outbound_reach = 11;
int32 inbound_reach = 12;
float heading = 13;
// Output information about how the location object below is correlated to the graph or to the route etc
message Correlation {
repeated PathEdge edges = 1;
repeated PathEdge filtered_edges = 2;
uint32 original_index = 3;
LatLng projected_ll = 4;
uint32 leg_shape_index = 5;
double distance_from_leg_origin = 6;
uint32 route_index = 7; // primarily for matchings index in osrm map matching
uint32 waypoint_index = 8; // primarily for matched point index in osrm map matching
message Location {
enum Type {
kBreak = 0;
kThrough = 1;
kVia = 2;
kBreakThrough = 3;
enum PreferredSide {
either = 0;
same = 1;
opposite = 2;
enum SideOfStreet {
kNone = 0;
kLeft = 1;
kRight = 2;
LatLng ll = 1;
Type type = 2; // [default = kBreak]
oneof has_heading {
uint32 heading = 3; // 0-359
string name = 4;
string street = 5;
string date_time = 12;
SideOfStreet side_of_street = 13;
oneof has_heading_tolerance {
uint32 heading_tolerance = 14;
oneof has_node_snap_tolerance {
uint32 node_snap_tolerance = 15;
oneof has_minimum_reachability {
uint32 minimum_reachability = 17;
oneof has_radius {
uint32 radius = 18;
oneof has_accuracy {
uint32 accuracy = 19;
oneof has_time {
double time = 20;
bool skip_ranking_candidates = 21;
PreferredSide preferred_side = 22;
LatLng display_ll = 23;
oneof has_search_cutoff {
uint32 search_cutoff = 24;
oneof has_street_side_tolerance {
uint32 street_side_tolerance = 25;
SearchFilter search_filter = 26;
oneof has_street_side_max_distance {
uint32 street_side_max_distance = 27;
oneof has_preferred_layer {
int32 preferred_layer = 28;
float waiting_secs = 29; // waiting period before a new leg starts, e.g. for servicing/loading goods
// This information will be ignored if provided in the request. Instead it will be filled in as the request is handled
Correlation correlation = 90;
message TransitEgressInfo {
string onestop_id = 1; // Unique transitland ID
string name = 2; // The name of the egress
LatLng ll = 3; // Latitude, longitude of the egress
message TransitStationInfo {
string onestop_id = 1; // Unique transitland ID
string name = 2; // The name of the station
LatLng ll = 3; // Latitude, longitude of the station
message BikeShareStationInfo {
string name = 1;
string ref = 2;
uint32 capacity = 3;
string network = 4;
string operator = 5;
float rent_cost = 6;
float return_cost = 7;
message TransitPlatformInfo {
enum Type {
kStop = 0;
kStation = 1;
Type type = 1; // The type of stop (station or simple stop)
string onestop_id = 2; // Unique transitland ID
string name = 3; // The name of the platform
string arrival_date_time = 4; // ISO 8601 arrival date/time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm
string departure_date_time = 5; // ISO 8601 departure date/time YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm
bool assumed_schedule = 6; // true if the times are based on an assumed schedule
LatLng ll = 7; // Latitude, longitude of the transit stop
string station_onestop_id = 8; // Unique transitland station ID
string station_name = 9; // The station name of the platform
message TransitRouteInfo {
string onestop_id = 1;
uint32 block_id = 2;
uint32 trip_id = 3;
string short_name = 4;
string long_name = 5;
string headsign = 6;
uint32 color = 7;
uint32 text_color = 8;
string description = 9;
string operator_onestop_id = 10;
string operator_name = 11;
string operator_url = 12;
repeated TransitPlatformInfo transit_stops = 13;
message Pronunciation {
enum Alphabet {
kIpa = 0;
kXKatakana = 1;
kXJeita = 2;
kNtSampa = 3;
Alphabet alphabet = 1;
string value = 2;
message StreetName {
string value = 1; // The actual street name value, examples: I 95 North or Derry Street
bool is_route_number = 2; // true if the street name is a reference route number such as: I 81 South or US 322 West
Pronunciation pronunciation = 3; // The pronunciation associated with this street name
message TurnLane {
enum State {
kInvalid = 0;
kValid = 1;
kActive = 2;
uint32 directions_mask = 1;
State state = 2;
uint32 active_direction = 3;
enum RoadClass {
kMotorway = 0;
kTrunk = 1;
kPrimary = 2;
kSecondary = 3;
kTertiary = 4;
kUnclassified = 5;
kResidential = 6;
kServiceOther = 7;
message TaggedValue {
// dont renumber these they match the c++ definitions
enum Type {
kNone = 0;
kLayer = 1;
kPronunciation = 2;
kBssInfo = 3;
kLevel = 4;
kLevelRef = 5;
kTunnel = 49;
kBridge = 50;
bytes value = 1; // The actual tagged name value, examples: Ted Williams Tunnel
Type type = 2; // The type of tagged name (tunnel or bridge)
enum TravelMode {
kDrive = 0;
kPedestrian = 1;
kBicycle = 2;
kTransit = 3;
// TODO: review and update as needed
enum VehicleType {
kCar = 0;
kMotorcycle = 1;
kAutoBus = 2;
kTractorTrailer = 3;
kMotorScooter = 4;
// TODO: review and update as needed
enum PedestrianType {
kFoot = 0;
kWheelchair = 1;
kSegway = 2;
enum BicycleType {
kRoad = 0;
kCross = 1;
kHybrid = 2;
kMountain = 3;
enum TransitType {
kTram = 0;
kMetro = 1;
kRail = 2;
kBus = 3;
kFerry = 4;
kCableCar = 5;
kGondola = 6;
kFunicular = 7;