ci | ||
prisma | ||
src | ||
.dockerignore | ||
.editorconfig | ||
.env.dist | ||
.env.test | ||
.eslintrc.js | ||
.gitignore | ||
.gitlab-ci.yml | ||
.prettierignore | ||
.prettierrc | ||
Dockerfile | ||
README.md | ||
docker-compose.ci.service.yml | ||
docker-compose.ci.tools.yml | ||
docker-compose.yml | ||
jest-e2e.json | ||
nest-cli.json | ||
package-lock.json | ||
package.json | ||
tsconfig.build.json | ||
tsconfig.json |
Mobicoop V3 - Ad
Ad service for Mobicoop V3.
You need Docker and its compose plugin.
You also need NodeJS installed locally : we strongly advise to install Node Version Manager and use the latest LTS version of Node (check that your local version matches with the one used in the Dockerfile).
The API will run inside a docker container, but the install itself is made outside the container, because during development we need tools that need to be available locally (eg. ESLint or Prettier with fix-on-save).
A RabbitMQ instance is also required to send / receive messages when data has been inserted/updated/deleted.
:cp .env.dist .env
Modify it if needed.
install the dependencies :
npm install
start the containers :
docker compose up -d
The app runs automatically on port 5006.
Database migration
Before using the app, you need to launch the database migration (it will be launched inside the container) :
npm run migrate
The app exposes the following gRPC services :
FindByUuid : find an ad by its uuid
{ "uuid": "80126a61-d128-4f96-afdb-92e33c75a3e1" }
Create : create an ad (note that uuid is optional, a uuid will be automatically attributed if it is not provided)
{ "userUuid": "113e0000-0000-4000-a000-000000000000", "driver": true, "passenger": false, "frequency": "PUNCTUAL", "departure": "2023-01-15", "toDate": "2023-08-01", "marginDurations": { "mon": 800 }, "seatsPassenger": 0, "seatsDriver": 3, "addresses": [ { "lon": 48.68944505415954, "lat": 6.176510296462267, "houseNumber": "5", "street": "Avenue Foch", "locality": "Nancy", "postalCode": "54000", "country": "France" }, { "lon": 48.8566, "lat": 2.3522, "locality": "Paris", "postalCode": "75000", "country": "France" } ] }
As mentionned earlier, RabbitMQ messages are sent after these events :
- Create (message : the created ad informations)
Tests / ESLint / Prettier
Tests are run outside the container for ease of use (switching between different environments inside containers using prisma is complicated and error prone). The integration tests use a dedicated database (see db-test section of docker-compose.yml).
# run all tests (unit + integration)
npm run test
# unit tests only
npm run test:unit
# integration tests only
npm run test:integration
# coverage
npm run test:cov
# ESLint
npm run lint
# Prettier
npm run pretty
Mobicoop V3 - Ad Service is AGPL licensed.