# Mobicoop V3 - Auth Service Authentication (AuthN) and Authorization (AuthZ) data management. ## Requirements You need [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/) and its [compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/) plugin. You also need NodeJS installed locally : we **strongly** advise to install [Node Version Manager](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm) and use the latest LTS version of Node (check that your local version matches with the one used in the Dockerfile). The API will run inside a docker container, **but** the install itself is made outside the container, because during development we need tools that need to be available locally (eg. ESLint, Prettier...). A RabbitMQ instance is also required to send / receive messages when data has been inserted/updated/deleted. ## Installation - copy `.env.dist` to `.env` : ```bash cp .env.dist .env ``` Modify it if needed. - install the dependencies : ```bash npm install ``` - start the containers : ```bash docker compose up -d ``` The app runs automatically on port **5002**. ## Database migration Before using the app, you need to launch the database migration (it will be launched inside the container) : ```bash npm run migrate ``` ## Usage The app is used for authentication (aka AuthN) and authorization (aka AuthZ : _to be developped_). AuthN consists in verifying a username / password couple. A user can have multiple usernames (representing multiple identifiers), all of them sharing the same password. In the app, all the authentication information about a user is called an _auth_. As of 2022/10/23, the possible identifiers are : - an email - a phone number Note that all usernames are unique in the system : many users can't have the same email or phone number. For AuthN, the app exposes the following [gRPC](https://grpc.io/) services : - **Create** : create an auth with one username / password (you can't create multiple usernames at once) ```json { "uuid": "30f49838-3f24-42bb-a489-8ffb480173ae", "username": "john.doe@email.com", "password": "John123", "type": "EMAIL" } ``` - **AddUsername** : add a username to an auth ```json { "uuid": "30f49838-3f24-42bb-a489-8ffb480173ae", "username": "+33611223344", "type": "PHONE" } ``` - **UpdateUsername** : update a username ```json { "uuid": "30f49838-3f24-42bb-a489-8ffb480173ae", "username": "johnny.doe@email.com", "type": "EMAIL" } ``` - **DeleteUsername** : delete a username (an error is thrown if it's the only username of an auth, as an auth **must** have at least one associated username) ```json { "username": "+33611223344" } ``` - **UpdatePassword** : update the password of an auth ```json { "uuid": "30f49838-3f24-42bb-a489-8ffb480173ae", "password": "Johnny123" } ``` - **Validate** : validate an auth (= authentication with username/password) ```json { "username": "john.doe@email.com", "password": "Johnny123" } ``` - **Delete** : delete an auth and its associated usernames ```json { "uuid": "30f49838-3f24-42bb-a489-8ffb480173ae" } ``` ## Messages Various RabbitMQ messages are sent for logging purpose. ## Tests Tests are run outside the container for ease of use (switching between different environments inside containers using prisma is complicated and error prone). The integration tests use a dedicated database (see *db-test* section of *docker-compose.yml*). ```bash # run all tests (unit + integration) npm run test # unit tests only npm run test:unit # integration tests only npm run test:integration # coverage npm run test:cov ``` ## License Mobicoop V3 - Auth Service is [AGPL licensed](LICENSE).