# SERVICE SERVICE_URL= SERVICE_PORT=5003 HEALTH_SERVICE_PORT=6003 # MESSAGE BROKER MESSAGE_BROKER_URI=amqp://mobicoop:mobicoop@v3-broker:5672 MESSAGE_BROKER_EXCHANGE=mobicoop MESSAGE_BROKER_EXCHANGE_DURABILITY=true # REDIS REDIS_HOST=v3-redis REDIS_PASSWORD=redis REDIS_PORT=6379 # DEFAULT CONFIGURATION # AUTH # encryption algorithm : BCRYPT / ARGON2I / ARGON2D / ARGON2ID ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM=BCRYPT # CARPOOL # default carpool departure time margin (in seconds) DEPARTURE_TIME_MARGIN=900 # default validity duration (in days) for recurrent ads RECURRENT_AD_VALIDITY_DURATION=365 # default role ROLE=passenger # seats proposed as driver / requested as passenger SEATS_PROPOSED=3 SEATS_REQUESTED=1 # accept only same frequency requests STRICT_FREQUENCY=false # MATCH # algorithm type ALGORITHM=PASSENGER_ORIENTED # max distance in metres between driver # route and passenger pick-up / drop-off REMOTENESS=15000 # use passenger proportion USE_PROPORTION=true # minimal driver proportion PROPORTION=0.3 # use azimuth calculation USE_AZIMUTH=true # azimuth margin AZIMUTH_MARGIN=10 # margin duration in seconds MARGIN_DURATION=900 # max detour ratio MAX_DETOUR_DISTANCE_RATIO=0.3 MAX_DETOUR_DURATION_RATIO=0.3 # GEOROUTER GEOROUTER_TYPE=graphhopper GEOROUTER_URL=http://localhost:8989 # GEOCODER # default language GEOCODER_LANG=fr # minimal score to consider a result as valid GEOCODEr_MIN_CONFIDENCE=0.5 # max number of results per provider (input results) GEOCODER_MAX_RESULTS_PER_PROVIDER=5 # max number of results per address type (output results) GEOCODER_MAX_RESULTS_PER_TYPE=5 # sanitize results ? GEOCODER_SANITIZE=true # consolidate results ? GEOCODER_CONSOLIDATE=true # max distance in km between 2 points to consider a duplicate GEOCODER_PROXIMITY=5 # population vs distance prioritizer coef # "boost" population weight for results with a short distance # => multiply the population by COEF / distance (in km) GEOCODDER_POPULATION_PRIORITIZER_COEF=100 # PAGINATION # number of results per page PER_PAGE=10