 * Solidarity Mobility API
 * No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
 * API version: 1.0.0
 * Generated by: OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)

package openapi

type RegularAvailabilitySlot struct {

	// Day of the week for regular scheduling.
	DayOfWeek string `json:"dayOfWeek"`

	// Start time for regular scheduling (RFC3339 partial-time).
	StartTime string `json:"startTime"`

	// End time for regular scheduling (RFC3339 partial-time).
	EndTime string `json:"endTime"`

// AssertRegularAvailabilitySlotRequired checks if the required fields are not zero-ed
func AssertRegularAvailabilitySlotRequired(obj RegularAvailabilitySlot) error {
	elements := map[string]interface{}{
		"dayOfWeek": obj.DayOfWeek,
		"startTime": obj.StartTime,
		"endTime":   obj.EndTime,
	for name, el := range elements {
		if isZero := IsZeroValue(el); isZero {
			return &RequiredError{Field: name}

	return nil

// AssertRegularAvailabilitySlotConstraints checks if the values respects the defined constraints
func AssertRegularAvailabilitySlotConstraints(obj RegularAvailabilitySlot) error {
	return nil