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Mobicoop V3 - Auth Service

Authentication (AuthN) and Authorization (AuthZ) data management.


You need Docker and Docker-compose.

Copy .env.dist to .env :

cp .env.dist .env

and modify it to suit your needs.

Then execute :

docker-compose up -d

The app runs automatically on the port defined in SERVICE_PORT of .env file (default : 5002).

You then need to set the appropriate rights for PGAdmin container :

sudo chown -R 5050:5050 postgresql/.pgadmin_data

Database migration

Before using the app, you need to launch the database migration :

docker exec v3_user sh -c "npx prisma migrate dev"


The app exposes the following gRPC services :

  • Create : create an auth

        "uuid": "30f49838-3f24-42bb-a489-8ffb480173ae",
        "username": "",
        "password": "John123"
  • Update : update an auth (username and/or password)

        "uuid": "30f49838-3f24-42bb-a489-8ffb480173ae",
        "username": "",
        "password": "John1234"
  • Validate : validate an auth (= authentication with username/password)

        "username": "",
        "password": "John123"


# unit tests
docker exec v3_user sh -c "npm run test"

# test coverage
docker exec v3_user sh -c "npm run test:cov"

Note : you can run all npm commands directly outside the container (see scripts section of package.json for available commands), but you need NodeJS installed locally. We strongly advise to install Node Version Manager and use the latest LTS version of Node.


Mobicoop V3 - Auth Service is AGPL licensed.